Issue - meetings

Sefton Carers Centre

Meeting: 03/11/2022 - Cabinet (Item 79)

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Report of the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health


The Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director of Adult Social Care which sought approval for the implementation of a 2-year integrated contract with the Sefton Carers Centre from 1April 2023, which would incorporate all commissioned activity detailed within the report, whilst an in-depth strategic review of the service is undertaken.


Decision Made: That:


(1)           the Executive Director of Adult Social Care who is also the NHS Place Director for Sefton be authorised to implement a 2-year integrated contract with Sefton Carers Centre from 1 April 2023, that incorporates all commissioned activity within the current NHS and Council budget available, whilst an in-depth strategic review of the service is undertaken;


(2)           it be noted that a further report will be presented to Cabinet detailing the findings of the strategic review once finalised; and


(3)           any decision with regards to any variance of the existing contract/contract value, within the current NHS and Council budget available, be delegated to the Director of Adult Social Care and NHS Director of Sefton in consultation with the Executive Director of People, the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, and the Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing in the event that the service review highlights additional activity to be delivered to ensure compliance with our statutory obligations.


Reasons for the Decision:


The implementation of a 2-year contract bringing together the funding streams will enable time and capacity to complete a strategic review of the service offer for carers in Sefton which will inform longer term recommendations and also reflects the priority to provide integrated Social Care and Health services in Sefton. The review will involve carers and families.


The review of the service will be underpinned by Sefton’s Carers Strategy for the next 5 years and reflects the aims and vision of the Council’s New Realities Agreement which outlines our commitment to working in partnership with the Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


To do nothing in terms of maintaining the current service delivery arrangements has been considered, but on the basis of being able to develop services further and achieve greater system wide efficiencies, as well as improved experiences for carer’s this option is not recommended.