27 Governance Documentation for Sandway Homes Limited PDF 222 KB
Report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer
Additional documents:
The Cabinet considered the report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer that Sefton Council was the 100% shareholder in Sefton (ACS) Holding Company Limited which in turn was the sole shareholder in Sandway Homes Limited; that the Council and the companies had recently undertaken a review of the governance documentation determining the relationship between the Council and the companies and revised governance documentation was being presented to Cabinet for approval; and that in accordance with the Council’s Constitution Cabinet performed the shareholder function for the Council.
Decision Made:
That In capacity as shareholder for Sefton (ACS) Holding Company Limited:
That In capacity as shareholder Sefton Holding Company Limited:
Reasons for the Decision:
The formal governance arrangements determining the relationship between the Council and Sefton Holding Company and Sandway Homes Limited have not been reviewed since the creation of the companies and it is felt appropriate to do so now.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
To remain with current governance documentation. This would not reflect good practice in the governance arrangements between the Council and the companies.