Issue - meetings

Molyneux Road area, Waterloo - Consultation on proposed One way system

Meeting: 05/09/2022 - Licensing and Regulatory Committee (Item 46)

46 Molyneux Road area, Waterloo - Consultation on proposed One way system pdf icon PDF 910 KB

Report of the Head of Highways and Public Protection


The Committee considered the report of the Assistant Director of Place (Highways and Public Protection) which reported on the results of a consultation regarding the implementation of a One-way traffic system in the Molyneux Road area of Waterloo.


The Committee also considered correspondence sent to Councillor Kelly by a local resident raising issues about the scheme in respect of their disabled parking bay – expressing concern that the one-way system might present difficulties for the disabled person accessing their vehicle.





the results of the consultation be noted;



the one-way system for the Molyneux Road area be progressed as proposed;



the Cabinet Member for Locality Services be requested to authorise the progression of the necessary Traffic Regulation Orders for Milton Road, Molyneux Road, Galloway Road and Winstanley Road, Waterloo;



residents be informed of the results of the consultation and the decision of this Committee; and



the Assistant Director of Place (Highways and Public Protection) be requested to give consideration to the implementation of mitigating measures to enable easier access by residents with disabled parking spaces.