Issue - meetings

Southport Town Deal, Market Street, King Street, Eastbank Street and Chapel Street Improvements, Southport

Meeting: 05/09/2022 - Licensing and Regulatory Committee (Item 47)

47 Southport Town Deal, Market Street, King Street, Eastbank Street and Chapel Street Improvements, Southport pdf icon PDF 411 KB

Report of the Assistant Director of Place (Highways and Public Protection)

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Assistant Director of Place (Highways and Public Protection) which sought Member’s approval for the implementation of the proposed improvements on Market Street, King Street, Eastbank and Chapel Street and advised Members of proposed changes to Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) associated with the improvements.


Arising from discussion, Members raised concerns about the risk to pedestrians from cyclists using Chapel Street. It was considered that there should be clearer separation of the cycle route along Chapel Street to provide protection for pedestrians.





The Assistant Director of Place (Highways and Public Protection) be authorised to implement the following modifications to the highway:



installation of new, high-quality paving, new lighting, seating, planting, and improvements to street furniture on Market Street;



widening of the footway and installation of high-quality paving, lighting, planting, and improvements to street furniture on King Street;



installation of improved pedestrian crossing facilities, widening of a section of the footway and installation of high-quality paving, planting, and improvements to street furniture on Eastbank Street;



removal of ‘street clutter’ and improvements to street furniture on Chapel Street; and



the Assistant Director of Place (Highways and Public Protection) be requested to give consideration to clearer distinction of the cycling provision on Chapel Street.