33 DC/2022/01546 - The Northern Road, Crosby PDF 1 MB
Report of the Chief Planning Officer.
The Committee considered the report of the Chief Planning Officer recommending that the above prior notification application for the installation of 1 No. 18m monopole, supporting 6 No. antennas, 1 No. wrap around cabinet at the base of the monopole, 2 No. equipment cabinets, 1 No. electric meter cabinet and ancillary development thereto including 1 No. GPS modulebe refused for the reasons stated or referred to in the report.
That the recommendation be approved and the application be refused for the following reasons:
(1) the proposed 18-metre-high monopole would result in a dominating and intrusive feature which would significantly detract from the appearance and character of the area and does not comply with Policy EQ2 of the Sefton Local Plan;
(2) no information has been submitted to identify the area of search and it has not been demonstrated that a robust search has been carried out of all practical alternatives; and
(3) the proposal could cause harm to pedestrian safety contrary to the provisions of Policy EQ3 (f) of the Sefton Local Plan.