Issue - meetings

Mayor's Communication

Meeting: 29/09/2022 - Council (Item 44)

Mayor's Communications


Mayor of Sefton’s Charity Quiz


The Mayor reported that on 3November 2022 at 7.00pm, she would be holding a Mayoral Charity Quiz Night in the Albion Pub, Bootle, which would be exclusive to Sefton Councillors and Officers. The entry cost was £5 per team, with a maximum of 5 people per team and a minimum of 3 people.There would also be a raffle, forfeit wheel and play your cards right.’ All the proceeds on the night would go to the Mayor’s Charity Fund. The Mayor invited Councillors and Officers to submit their team's name and entry fee to the Mayor’s Office by 21 October 2022. 


Southport Flower Show


The Mayor reported that on 18August 2022, she attended the opening day of the Southport Flower Show which was a wonderful event and a real highlight for our Borough. The Mayor indicated that she especially enjoyed her ‘rent’ payment for the event which was a beautiful bouquet of roses. 




The Mayor reported that she was pleased to announce that she had reached over 2,000 followers on Twitter and that it had raised the profile of what the Mayor and the Mayor’s Office does.


Visit to Natural Alternatives


The Mayor reported that on 6 September 2022, she had been privileged to visit Natural Alternatives, which was an organisation based at the Botanic Gardens in Southport. The Mayor indicated that they are a small group, but they do wonderful work at the Gardens, and she urged her fellow Councillors to have a look at the work they do, which was really inspiring.


Aintree Circuit Club


The Mayor reported that on 10 September 2022, she had attended the Classic and Speed Revival event in Southport, organised by the Aintree Circuit Club and that the sum of £22,000 had been raised to be shared between the Mayor’s Charity, the Queenscourt Hospice, Southport and the Jim Clark Trust. The event celebrated over a century of motor sport in the Borough of Sefton.


The Mayor also reported that Kate Walker, a 21 year old female member of the Aintree Circuit Club was the current leader of National Steelsport Championship in the mixed sex class and on behalf of the Council, expressed the hope that Kate will be confirmed as the National Superbike Champion in the near future.