44 Planning Appeals Report PDF 207 KB
Report of the Chief Planning Officer.
Additional documents:
The Committee considered the report of the Chief Planning Officer on the results of the undermentioned appeals and progress on appeals lodged with the Planning Inspectorate.
Proposal/Breach of Planning Control |
Decision |
Mr. Weatherby |
DC/2021/02299 (APP/M4320/W/22/3290446) – 47 Ovington Drive Southport PR8 6JW - Appeal against refusal by the Council to grant retrospective Planning Permission for a proposed outdoor seating area.
Dismissed 27/09/2022
Mr Bolger |
DC/2021/01901 (APP/M4320/W/21/3288938) – 24 Poplar Avenue Crosby Liverpool L23 2SU - Appeal against refusal by the Council to grant Planning Permission for the change of use of the existing residential annexe to a separate dwellinghouse, together with minor changes to glazing to both annexe and main house.
14/09/2022 Dismissed |
123 Accommodation C.I.C. |
DC/2020/00705 (APP/M4320/W/21/3281083) - Land At St Mary's Complex Waverley Street Bootle L20 4AP - Appeal against refusal by the Council to grant Hybrid Planning Permission for the three phased development of SAFE St Mary's complex building, vacant land to the South and East bounded by railway line and canal basin; full planning permission was sought for phases one and two as follows; phase one included the demolition of the existing buildings on site and the development of a three storey arts hub building comprising accommodation for SAFE, flexible office/studio/meeting spaces, day nursery and multipurpose hall space alongside the erection of canal side pods for community use (Use Class E), the remodelling and extension of the existing Lock and Quay public house to create a bed and breakfast facility, serviced apartments and commercial/training unit (Use Class E) relocated from existing SAFE complex and associated parking. Phase two included the development of mixed tenure housing including 41 No. 2 and 3 bedroom, two and three storey townhouses and a four-storey apartment block consisting of 66 No. 1 and 2 bedroomed self-contained apartments with associated parking and public realm works and the erection of a substation. Phase three sought outline permission in respect of means of access, layout and scale for the development of four storey 80-bed extra care facility (Use Class C2) including community hairdressing salon and cafe with appearance and landscaping reserved for future consideration.
Dismissed 13/09/2022 |
That the report be noted.