40 DC/2022/01269 - 102 The Serpentine North, Blundellsands L23 6TJ PDF 1006 KB
Report of the Chief Planning Officer
The Committee considered the report of the Chief Planning Officer recommending that the above application for the erection of a two storey extension to the south and east elevations, part conversion of the existing garage to a habitable room and erection of a first floor extension to the north elevation of the dwellinghouse, plus roof terrace to the front be granted subject to the conditions and for the reasons stated or referred to in the report.
Prior to consideration of the application, the Committee received 2 petitions on behalf of objectors against the proposed development and a response by the applicant’s agent.
Councillor Roscoe, as Ward Councillor, made representations on behalf of objectors against the proposed development.
Arising from the discussion members referred to comments raised by the petitioners regarding trees T29 &T30 on the adjoining Blundellsands Hall site. The Chief Planning Officer commented that condition No. 3 in the report submitted could be amended to require the re-survey of these trees.
Members also noted that the application now submitted was considerably reduced in size from the previous application for this site which had been refused and felt that, if the current application was approved, there should be protection from further development.
That the recommendation be approved and the application be granted subject to the conditions and for the reasons stated or referred to in the report and in Late Representations and subject to the amendment to Condition No. 3 to require the re-survey of trees T29 and T30, and a further condition to remove permitted development rights for further extensions.