Issue - meetings

Children’s Services Commissioner

Meeting: 07/11/2022 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children's Services and Safeguarding) (Item 27)

27 Children’s Services Commissioner pdf icon PDF 234 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Children’s Social Care and Education

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director of Social Care and Education that outlined the role of the Children’s Services Commissioner for Sefton and the final report of the Commissioner. The report set out the background to the matter; key issues; and recommendations made to the Council. A copy of the Commissioner’s report was attached and outlined the role of the Commissioner; an executive summary and recommendations to the Secretary of State for Education; the local authority area: Sefton; the challenges as described by Ofsted; methodology used key issues; and recommendations to the Council.


Members of the Committee asked questions/raised matters on the following issues:


·       reference was made to the “Key Issues” section of the report and the comment that “a strong culture of non-compliance which has become a custom and practice coping strategy”; and reassurance was sought that measures were being put in place to combat this

·       leadership arrangements in place for the Council to start its improvement work

·       delivery of a reliable dashboard to support managers and to deliver credible and timely reporting on performance

·       whether it was unusual for the Commissioner to remain with oversight for the foreseeable future

·       the refresh of the terms of reference and membership of the Improvement Board

·       measure to improve and support the political ownership of children’s services




That the content of the report be noted.