Issue - meetings

4B) DC/2022/00704 - 55 Chapel Street, Southport

Meeting: 16/11/2022 - Planning Committee (Item 50)

50 DC/2022/00704 - 55 Chapel Street, Southport pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report of the Chief Planning Officer


The Committee considered the report of the Chief Planning Officer recommending that the above application for the change of use of the first, second and third floors from retail to residential, to create 2 No. one bed apartments and 1 No. two bed apartmentbe granted subject to the conditions and for the reasons stated or referred to in the report.


Arising from the discussion Members referred to the exit from the upper floors in the case of an emergency and it was reported that this aspect could be dealt with under building regulations.




That the recommendation be approved and the application be granted subject to the conditions and for the reasons stated or referred to in the report and in Late Representations and subject to an informative advising of the need to ensure adequate fire escape.