Issue - meetings

Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority – Service Delivery Plan 2022/23

Meeting: 07/03/2023 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Skills) (Item 39)

39 Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority – Service Delivery Plan 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 14 MB

Presentation by the Chief Executive of the Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority


The Committee received a presentation from Lesley Worswick, Chief Executive of the Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority (MRWA) on the MRWA Service Delivery Plan 2022/23.


Ms. Worswick provided information on:


·       The Corporate Plan – 4 aims

·       Aim 1: Improve the Sustainable Management of Waste and Resources

·       Climate Action Plan Review 2022

·       Our Response

·       Zero Waste 2040 Strategic Framework

·       Strategic Outcomes

·       Aim 2: We will deliver effective waste services

·       Going forward

·       MRWA and Veolia Community Fund 2023/24

·       Aim 3: Co-operate to Improve Working Arrangements

·       Aim 4: Measure and Report on Climate Change Impacts and Sustainability Improvements

·       Summary


Members of the Committee asked questions/commented on the following issues:


·       Information on the Community Fund had previously been circulated.

·       Factors affecting recycling rates.

·       Mechanisms by which the messages regarding recycling and which items could be recycled, could be conveyed to the public.

·       Domestic waste had increased during the pandemic and industrial waste had decreased.

·       Lessons to be learnt on industrial relations.

·       What would happen when the current waste services contract ended in 2030?

·       The Zero Waste Strategy and different legislative changes.

·       The possible re-introduction of the food waste service.

·       Regional recycling rates compared to the national average.

·       The need for constant communications and marketing to convey recycling messages to the public.

·       The levy set by the MRWA across the City Region.

·       Support was expressed for the aspiration to encourage certain behaviours and to incentivise.

·       It would be useful to receive feedback on developments in approximately 6 months’ time.

·       A visit to the Recycling Discovery Centre (RDC) at Gillmoss could be arranged.




(1)      Lesley Worswick be thanked for her informative presentation;


(2)      Lesley Worswick be invited to attend a future meeting of the Committee in approximately six months’ time; and


(3)      a visit by Members of the Committee to the Recycling Discovery Centre at Gillmoss be arranged in due course.