Issue - meetings

Ethical Business Practices Working Group Final Report – Update on Recommendations

Meeting: 28/02/2023 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services) (Item 50)

50 Ethical Business Practices Working Group Final Report – Update on Recommendations pdf icon PDF 460 KB

Report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer


Further to Minute No. 35 of the meeting held on 11 January 2022, the Committee considered the report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer that updated on the implementation of recommendations contained in the final report of the Ethical Business Practices Working Group that was approved by the Council in February 2020; and to seeking approval for the cessation of further updates.


The latest update of the Assistant Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services (Strategic Support) on the recommendations were contained in the report; and it was the Assistant Director’s view that all the recommendations contained in the Final Report had now been implemented. Accordingly, it was recommended that no further update reports be submitted to the Committee.




(1)      the report updating on the implementation of recommendations contained in the final report of the Ethical Business Practices Working Group be noted; and


(2)      no further update reports be submitted to the Committee.