Issue - meetings

Approval of the Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy

Meeting: 27/07/2023 - Cabinet (Item 40)

40 Approval of the Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy pdf icon PDF 600 KB

Report of the Assistant Director of Place (Economic Growth and Housing)

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered the report of the Assistant Director of Place (Economic Growth and Housing) seeking to approve the 2023 Sefton Playing Pitch and Open Space Strategy (PPOSS), and to replace the 2016 Playing Pitch Strategy which was out of date, according to Sport England guidance.


The PPOSS looked at current and future need and provision for outdoor sport in Sefton. It provided a robust and objective justification and a strategic framework to make sure that Sefton would be able to best meet existing and future need for outdoor sport. This would help the Council to protect sports sites from loss due to development, help justify developer contributions including compensatory provision, provide a strategic context for sports asset provision and management and support and justify investment decisions including external funding bids. It would also support Sefton’s corporate health and other initiatives.


The PPOSS had been prepared by consultants for a Steering Group comprising officers across relevant Council departments, Sport England and sports’ National Governing Bodies, in line with Sport England guidance.


Appendix 1 to the report set out the draft Playing Pitch and Open space strategy for Sefton.


Decision Made:


That the 2023 Sefton Playing Pitch and Open Space Strategy be approved and replace the 2016 Playing Pitch Strategy.


Reasons for the Decision:


National planning and Sport England guidance required the Council to have a robust and up-to-date assessment of outdoor sports provision. The guidance stated that any Playing Pitch and Open Space Strategy (PPOSS) which had not been revised for more than 3 years should be considered out of date. Sefton’s previous Playing Pitch Strategy dated from 2016.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


The alternative would be not to have an up-to-date PPOSS. This would make it more difficult to protect outdoor sports sites from development through the development management process, to justify the need for developer contributions including compensatory provision or to justify the policy approach in any Local Plan review. There would be no up-to-date strategic context for sports asset provision and management (including 3G pitches) or support for Sefton’s corporate health and other initiatives. Having no up-to-date PPOSS would severely constrain the ability of sports clubs and site managers (including the Council) to access external funding. The lack of an up-to-date PPOSS could also lead to a poor relationship with other Steering Group members and partners, such as Sport England, the Football Association and Football Foundation.