4 Adult Social Care Fees 2023/24 PDF 406 KB
Report of the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health and the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services
Additional documents:
Mr Jonathan Cunningham, Chair of the North and South Sefton Care Home Group spoke in support of a petition containing 132 signatures which stated:
We the undersigned: “Consider the proposed Sefton increase of social care fees of 16% remains insufficient to cover the cost of care. Sefton recognise that this remains below the true cost of care. Sefton is asked to reconsider and review this proposed fee rate.
Desired Outcome:
1. That Sefton reconsider the rate and increase to at least 20%
2. Sefton provide assurance that it is the True Cost of Care that should be paid.”
The Cabinet then considered the report of the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health and the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services which set out the fees payable for Sefton Adult Social Care Services and Care sectors for the financial year 2023/24. The fees proposed include a range of care and support services to adults, including Direct Payment Recipients. The report also set out the future strategic direction for services, as part of the national work, which is underpinned by the Department of Health and Social Care national reforms.
The following appendices were attached to the report which reflect the detail of the robust consultation approach and the potential risks for mitigation linked to the Equality Impact Assessments which were monitored and updated throughout the life of the consultation period:
· Appendix A – 2023/24 Fee Increase consultation letters.
· Appendix B – Provider Responses to the consultations.
· Appendix C – Notes from the consultation events held with Providers.
· Appendix D – Care Home Equality Impact Assessment.
· Appendix E – Domiciliary Care & Direct Payment Rates Equality Impact Assessment.
· Appendix F – Supported Living Equality Impact Assessment.
· Appendix G – Extra Care Housing Equality Impact Assessment.
· Appendix H – Community Support Equality Impact Assessment.
· Appendix I – Day Care Equality Impact Assessment
The Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health outlined the content of the report and referred to a letter submitted by the Chief Executive of the Alternative Futures Group relating to the Sefton Council Supported Living Rates 2023/24 which had been published and circulated to the Cabinet prior to the meeting.
The Cabinet then discussed the content of the report and the appendices published in the agenda and supplementary agenda.
Decision Made: That
(1) the petition be noted;
(2) the contents of the report be noted and having given full consideration to the options outlined in the body of the report and the associated Appendices, including the responses to the consultation from a wide range of Care and Support Providers, and the Equality Impact Assessments undertaken as part of the work, the implementation of the following fee increases set out below from 1April 2023 be authorised having taken into account a range of factors including the response from Providers, national context, risks raised in relation to additional costs, regional averages, any other information available at the time of the consultation and the availability of financial resources: