Issue - meetings

Hesketh Park Legacy Project

Meeting: 25/05/2023 - Cabinet (Item 5)

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Report of the Assistant Director of People (Operational In-House Services)


The Cabinet considered the report of the Assistant Director of People (Operational In-House Services) which provided details of the bequest of £850k to Hesketh Park from the will and estate of Louis and Anita Marks, a local couple that passed away recently. The report sought approval to the acceptance of this sum, and authority for officers to enter into a legal agreement with the trustees to then enact the specified works, overseen by the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing.


Members of the Cabinet expressed their appreciation for the significant bequest from the estate of Louis and Anita Marks which would help the Council considerably in undertaking improvements to Hesketh Park.


Decision Made: That


(1)      the Assistant Director of People (Operational In-House Services) be authorised in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, to enter into contract with the trustees (and negotiate further as necessary) to accept a £850,000 bequest from the Marks family;


(2)      approval be given to a supplementary capital estimate of £722,650 to fund the capital elements of the project outlined in the report;


(3)      approval be given to a supplementary revenue estimate of £127,350 for the fixed-term gardening staff and an apprenticeship post at Hesketh Park, including on-costs and required machinery and consumables;


(4)      the Assistant Director of People (Operational In-House Services) be authorised to undertake procurement for contractors as required within the Contract Procedure Rules for the various works, and to engage Project Management support as specified in the report;


(5)      delegated authority be granted for both the works and future maintenance to be monitored and managed by the Assistant Director of People (Operational In-House Services), in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, including agreement of any amendments that may be required within the budgeted envelope; and


(6)      The Executive Director – People be requested to convey the appreciation and thanks of the Cabinet to the Trustees of the  estate of Louis and Anita Marks for the significant donation towards improvements to Hesketh Park.


Reasons for the Decision:


To enable the bequest to be formally accepted and for the projects to proceed.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


Not to accept the bequest, and not see the investment into the park.