Issue - meetings

Assessment of the Need to Review the Sefton Local Plan

Meeting: 22/06/2023 - Cabinet (Item 27)

27 Assessment of the Need to Review the Sefton Local Plan pdf icon PDF 630 KB

Report of the Assistant Director of Place (Economic Growth and Housing)


The Cabinet considered the report of the Assistant Director of Place (Economic Growth and Housing) indicating that the Sefton Local Plan was adopted in April 2017. The National Planning Policy Framework (the ‘Framework’) set out that policies in local plans should be reviewed to assess whether they needed updating at least once every five years and should then be updated as necessary. If an update was required, this could take the form of either a partial or full update.


In December 2022, the government published its plans for a reformed planning system. Under this system, all Local Planning Authorities would be required to have a new style Local Plan under the reformed system within 30 months of the introduction of the new system. The reformed plan-making system was intended to be introduced in late 2024.


Those LPAs that were currently undertaking a Local Plan update, or were planning to start shortly, would have until the end of June 2025 to submit that Local Plan to be examined. As Sefton had not started a Local Plan update, it would not be possible to meet the June 2025 deadline. Therefore, regardless of whether any of the Local Plan policies needed updating, it would be reasonable to delay a new Local Plan until the reformed planning system was introduced and to use the time between now and then to prepare for that.


Notwithstanding the delay, the report demonstrated that, whilst some Local Plan policies did need updating, many of the key policies in the current Sefton Local Plan remained up to date. If it were not for the emerging reformed planning system, it was likely that a partial update of the Local Plan would be commenced, however this now would result in abortive work.


Decision Made:




(1)      the findings of the report would indicate that the Sefton Local Plan (2017) needed a partial update, but this should not be progressed until full details of the Government’s changes to the planning system are published later this year, which will include details on what the new style Local Plans should look like and cover;


(2)      the findings of the report, that in relation to housing supply and delivery (including affordable housing), employment land supply and retail matters, the current Sefton Local Plan remains up-to-date and fit for purpose, be noted; and


(3)      a new Local Development Scheme be prepared to set out the timetable for the preparation of the new Local Plan, once the government have provided greater certainty on when the reformed plan-making system will be introduced.


Reasons for the Decision:


To endorse the decision to delay an update to the current Sefton Local Plan and to progress a new Local Plan under the reformed plan-making system which is expected to be introduced in late 2024. There is a danger that if we carry out an update (even a partial update) in advance of the publication of the Government’s proposed changes to the planning system, which will include details on the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27