Issue - meetings

Supporting Sefton's Place Priorities - Sefton CVS

Meeting: 07/06/2023 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 9)

9 Supporting Sefton's Place Priorities - Sefton CVS pdf icon PDF 186 KB

Presentation of the Chief Executive, Sefton CVS

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The Board considered the presentation of the Chief Executive of Sefton CVS which provided the Board with an update relating to how relating to how Sefton’s Voluntary, Community and Faith (VCF) sector can contribute to the priorities and themes detailed in the emerging Sefton Place Plan. The presentation included the involvement of the VCF sector in developing the plan, the value the sector brings to local partnership working aimed at improving outcomes for local residents, a high-level outline of the VCF Social Impact Tool and a number of relevant case studies.


The Board offered praise and thanks for all the work Sefton CVS undertakes in Sefton.




That the update be noted.