Issue - meetings

Extension of Highway Maintenance Contracts

Meeting: 05/10/2023 - Cabinet (Item 68)

68 Extension of Highway Maintenance Contracts pdf icon PDF 363 KB

Report of the Assistant Director of Place (Highways and Public Protection)


The Cabinet considered the report of the Assistant Director of Place (Highways and Public Protection) seeking approval to extend five Highway maintenance service contracts, in accordance with the options available in the tender awards.


Decisions Made:




(1)      the Highway Term Maintenance Contracts HM01 (Carriageway resurfacing), HM08 (Surface treatments) and HM10 (Highway Maintenance) be extended until the end of the available contract period in 2026;


(2)      the HM20 (Street Lighting Installation and Maintenance) Contract be extended until 31/03/26;


(3)      the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Contract be extended until 31/03/25;


(4)      the Assistant Director of Place (Highways & Public Protection), in consultation with the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer, be authorised to formally extend the contracts in accordance with the agreed contract conditions; and


(5)      the Assistant Director of Place (Highways & Public Protection), in consultation with the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer and the Cabinet Member - Locality Services, be authorised to negotiate any further extensions that may be available for HM20 and the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Contract, ensuring best value for the Council.


Reasons for the Decisions:


To allow continuity of work and ensure that projects are delivered on time and within budget provision.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


The contracts could be re-tendered. Due to uncertainty in the market, this could mean a significant increase in rates which might affect the Council’s ability to deliver projects on budget.


Extending existing contracts would also allow continuity of work and enhance the Council’s ability to deliver high profile projects such as the Street Lighting LED scheme, thus maximising carbon end energy savings to the Council.