Customer Contact Centre Activity - Presentation
To receive a presentation from the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services
Further to Minute No. 8 (3) of the meeting held on 13 June 2023 the Committee received a presentation from Diane Turner, Customer Centric Services Manager, on Customer Contact Centre Activity. Ms. Turner highlighted the following matters
· Customer services customer contact activity from home-based Contact Centre staff and staff based in both Bootle and Southport one stop shops
· The main activities handled by the Contact Centre relating to telephone calls, switchboard service, e-mails, webchat, taking payments for Council services, triaging Corporate Complaints and social media (Twitter, Facebook)
· Contact Centre monthly call volumes 2019/20 (pre-COVID19) v 2022/23 (post-COVID19)
· Average wait time for calls to be answered for prioritised services
· One Stop Shop activities in respect of face-to-face enquiries, the reception service, payments for Council services
· Payment kiosk and online payment analysis 2019/20 v 2022/23
· One Stop Shop customer satisfaction survey
· Bootle enquiries (2019/20) V Southport enquiries (2019/20)
· Customer Services changes since Covid
Members of the Committee asked questions/commented on the following matters:
· How feedback from switchboard services was gathered.
· The One Stop Shop at Southport and lack of a drop-in facility.
· Whether callers were advised as to where they were up to in the queue to be dealt with.
· Not all members of the public used the Internet.
· The current location of the One Stop Shop at Southport at the Atkinson and whether there were any plans to return to Cambridge Arcade.
· The website provided much of the information sought, although there would always be a need to provide a face-to-face service.
· Difficulties associated with individuals who needed to telephone the Contact Centre and credit associated with mobile telephone use.
That Diane Turner be thanked for her informative presentation.