Issue - meetings

Molyneux Road area, Waterloo - Results of residents consultation to alternate one way traffic system and objections to proposed scheme

Meeting: 04/09/2023 - Licensing and Regulatory Committee (Item 12)

12 Molyneux Road area, Waterloo - Results of residents consultation to alternate one way traffic system and objections to proposed scheme pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Assistant Director of Place (Highways and Public Protection)


Further to Minute No. 61 of 13 March 2023 the Committee considered the report of the Assistant Director of Place (Highways and Public Protection) which detailed the results of a residents’ consultation and the receipt of objections relating to the proposed alternate one-way traffic scheme for the Molyneux Road area, Waterloo.


Objections following a previous consultation with residents of the Molyneux Road area of Waterloo were considered by Committee on 13 March 2023.





the results of the residents’ consultation be noted;



the objections to the scheme be noted;



the alternate one-way Traffic Regulation Order be progressed as originally advertised; and



the objectors be advised accordingly.