28 Statement of Accounts 2021/2022 PDF 471 KB
Report of the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services
Additional documents:
The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services which presented the final audited 2021/2022 Statement of Accounts, including the Annual Governance Statement. The report also included the proposed “Letter of Representation” from Sefton to Ernst and Young LLP (EY).
The report provided details on; the Current Position of the Audit of the Statement of Accounts 2021/2022, the Content of the Statement of Accounts, the Annual Governance Statement, Significant Accounting Matters, Ernst and Young’s Report and a Letter of Representation.
The Executive Director of Corporate Resources and representatives from Ernst and Young presented the reports and answered a range of questions from the Committee and advised that a further update would be provided to the Committee in December 2023.
(1) |
the 2021/2022 Statement of Accounts be approved, subject to the final completion of the audit;
(2) |
should any material changes be required to the current version of the Statement of Accounts, the Chair of the Committee be delegated to approve the final Statement of Accounts following completion of the audit;
the intention to bring an update report to the Audit and Governance Committee in March 2024, which will detail any changes made, be noted;
(4) |
the Annual Governance Statement (Section 11 of the Statement of Accounts) be approved;
(5) |
the comments of Ernst and Young LLP be noted;
(6) |
the Letter of Representation be approved, subject to completion of the Audit, and the Chair of the Committee and the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services be authorised to sign it on the Council’s behalf; and
(7) |
should the approved version of the Letter of Representation need to be updated following the completion of the Audit, the Chair of the Committee and the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services be authorised to sign it on the Council’s behalf. |