Issue - meetings

Sefton Council - Extra Care Allocations Policy

Meeting: 01/02/2024 - Cabinet (Item 117)

117 Adoption of the Extra Care Allocations Policy pdf icon PDF 314 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health indicating that extra care housing was specialist housing provision that combined accommodation with care and support services designed to offer safe, private, and secure accommodation whilst allowing service uses to retain the independence of having their own home.


Some 1306 units of accommodation (approximately 15 schemes) would be required across the Borough by 2036.


The aim of the Extra Care Allocations Policy, as set out at Appendix A to the report, was to underpin and support requirement. The policy would also promote independence and well-being; facilitate a balanced, vibrant, and sustainable community for residents with care and support needs which would play a key role in preventing and avoiding admissions to residential care and hospitals and contribute to the preventative agenda.


The Extra Care Allocations Policy detailed the eligibility, process, and system for applying for Extra Care Housing in Sefton.


The policy would be the main mechanism to support plans in relation to Extra Care Housing in Sefton and ensure that the residents of Sefton had a clear and robust system and process for accessing the accommodation.


The following appendices were attached to the report:


·       Appendix A - Extra Care Allocations Policy

·       Appendix B - Equality Impact Assessment

·       Appendix C - Public Engagement and Consultation Report


Decisions Made:




(1)      the content of the report, Consultation Responses and Equality Impact Assessment be noted;


(2)      the adoption of the Extra Care Allocations Policy be approved; and


(3)      the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health, in consultation with the Cabinet Member - Adult Social Care, be authorised to make any minor amendments to the Extra Care Allocations Policy as required ,due to either regulation/legislation.


Reasons for the Decisions:


(1)      The strategic priority to deliver Extra Care Housing was included in several key strategies including:-

·       Strategic Housing Market Assessment (2019).

·       Sefton 2030 Vision (2016).

·       ASC – Market Position Statement (2021 -2026).

·       Sefton Health and Wellbeing Strategy (2020 – 2025).

·       Sefton Older Peoples Strategy (2019-2024).

·       Sefton Housing Strategy (2022-2027).


(2)      Extra Care Housing provided an alternative housing option to residents and would help to reduce our reliance on alternative more restrictive options such as residential care.


(3)      Without a robust allocations policy, system and process the outcomes the Council hoped to achieve would be difficult to meet.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


1.             Do nothing – Continue to use current extra care housing provision without any formal policy, system, or process to support.


Risks would include:-


a)    Sefton residents not being prioritised and unable to access Extra Care Housing Provision within the Borough.

b)    ASC revenue budgets required to support the delivery of Extra Care Housing not meeting intended outcomes.

c)    Housing Providers reverting to their own waiting lists due to inadequate nominations received from the Council.


2.             Introduce local letting policies for each individual scheme:-


Risks: -


Sefton residents not being prioritised and unable to access Extra Care Housing Provision within the Borough with multiple systems  ...  view the full minutes text for item 117