Issue - meetings

Bootle Regeneration Strategy - Presentation

Meeting: 07/11/2023 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Skills) (Item 21)

Bootle Regeneration Strategy - Presentation

To receive a presentation from the Executive Director of Place


The Committee received a presentation from Stephen Watson, Executive Director of Place, that updated on the Bootle Regeneration Strategy (the Strategy). Mr. Watson highlighted the following issues:


·       Introduction and context relating to the site; and the Phase 1A-C site plan.

·       The vision statement that the repurposing of the Strand would catalyse development of a more sustainable and resilient town centre that provided improved opportunities for local communities, residents and businesses; and that it would increase pride and raise ambition across Bootle whilst improving perception and brand beyond Bootle. The principles of “people first”, “connected”, “resilient” and “green” were referred to along with the outcomes of improved resident wellbeing, inclusive growth, a connected and integrated town centre and a sustainable repurposed asset. A framework for success (including principles to test options and shape evaluation criteria against) were also described relating to economic, social, environmental and commercial activity.

·       Scheme design overview which included retail being the main focus of the centre; the waterside regeneration; phase 1 demolition; the Salt and Tar operation; and future phases of development/activity

·       Stakeholder engagement and consultation. Details were provided on activity and events at the Information Centre, the Stakeholder Engagement, Communications and Consultation Plan, and that the consultation process would be ongoing. The positive results of the demolition planning application consultation were also detailed and which h included engagement with occupiers, residents and the community

·       Key milestones relating to the demolition planning application being finalised and submitted in early October 2023; and the anticipated planning decision regarding the main works application being approved in July 2024.


Members of the Committee asked questions/commented on the following matters:


  • A concern was raised that the Council was progressing with the scheme in which the full financial consequences were not known and how key outturn revenue costs would be identified and addressed.
  • The people first approach and how the use of spaces and accessibility could better connect with the town centre to other assets.
  • How the business engagement consultation included market traders.
  • Views received from constituents was wholly supportive and that the scheme proposals were very much welcomed.
  • High streets were currently struggling and the Strand was in effect Bootle’s high street; and that as part of the ambitious proposal there was a need to anticipate market and trading conditions in the long-term.
  • The potential for positive educational impacts to arise from the scheme.




That Stephen Watson be thanked for his informative presentation.