Update on Progress of Liverpool City Region Digital Inclusion Strategy
Presentation by the Executive Director - People
The Committee received a presentation from Andrea Watts, Executive Director of People, that updated on the Liverpool City Region Digital Inclusion Strategy (the Strategy). Ms. Watts indicated that further to the presentation made to this Committee in January23, which set out the initial first steps in bringing to life the framework for LCRCA Digital Inclusion Strategy and which included an overview of Sefton’s Digital strategy linked to connected Council, empowered residents and business growth; this presentation would detail the progress of Digital Inclusion from a Combined Authority perspective. Ms. Watts highlighted the following matters:
· A reminder of the key components of connectivity – barriers being availability and cost; equipment; and skills
· The developed key workstreams of Digital Inclusion Alliance Network; Digital Champions Model; and Digital Support Intervention Pilots
· In respect of the Digital Support Intervention Pilots the Digital inclusion Initiative was an industry led programme to tackle digital exclusion; and LCRCA were facilitating the roll-out of 4500 free android tablets, accompanied by 6 months of free Vodaphone mobile connectivity and free in person digital skills training. Wave 1.1 was launched in August 2023 and focused on the DWP Restart Scheme and Ways to Work; and that working with the Digital Inclusion Network members the aim was to continue to support residents between now and July 2024
· Wave 1.2 would take place between November 2023 and January 2024 and would target the roll-out of 600+ devices and sims across the six LCRCA local authority areas and cohorts could include digitally excluded individuals across numerous groups
· Wave 1.3 onwards was to distribute the remaining 3900 devices and feedback would be crucial to assess what was working well with the programme and what was not
· In addition, informed by data and local authority colleagues, other areas of intervention would be explored that helped to target digital exclusion –e.g., social broadband tariffs, recycled digital kit or free mobile data for those most in need
· Other Sefton initiatives to increase the number of public access computers and other devices available to residents and organisations
Members of the Committee asked questions/commented on the following matters:
· The age range of participants in the Digital Inclusion Initiative
· The availability of statistics on the number of Sefton residents who did not have internet access
· Did, and how, was contact maintained with cohorts
· The extent of take-up of social broadband tariffs
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the Executive Director of People be requested to provide responses to the comments/questions raised by members; and |
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Andrea Watts be thanked for her informative presentation. |
Asset Management Strategy/Disposal Policy - Presentation
Presentation by the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services
The Committee received a presentation from Paul Reilly, Service Manager - Finance, on the Asset Management Strategy/Disposal Policy. Mr. Reillyupdated on:
A Member of the Committee acknowledged that assets were technically classed as such on the Council’s Balance Sheet and information was sought on how the Council distinguished between assets and liabilities since some assets required ongoing investment.
That Paul Reilly be thanked for his informative presentation.