143 ICT Managed Service Contract PDF 416 KB
Report of the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services
The Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services setting out the background for the Council’s current ICT provision, delivered by an external provider, which briefly comprised of Core Operational services, Ad hoc Services; including (but not limited to) Project Management, major upgrade support and Data Security Services, as well as the provision of School ICT Services. The report summarised the performance of the current contract and proposes the procurement of a supplier to continue service provision, in line with the requirements of the authority, once the existing contract ended in 2025. The report recommended the use of the Crown Commercial Service Framework CSS Technology Services 3 Lot 3b Operational Management, to source a service provider for a period of a three years, plus a further optional two years (which was the maximum contract term allowed).
Decision Made:
That the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services be authorised to conduct a procurement compliant exercise for the provision of ICT Managed Services to the Council, the resulting recommendation to be submitted to the Cabinet for an award decision.
Reasons for the Decision:
To ensure that critical ICT Services continued to be provided and that support was in place for all staff across the authority as well as ensuring that robust Cyber security defences remained in place to reduce the threat of a Cyber-attack.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
To conduct an open competition for a new provider - rejected as the CCS framework proposed provided a route to market in line with public procurement regulations, reduces the complexity of the process and included over 100 potential suppliers.