Issue - meetings

Future Approach to Commissioning of Residential & Nursing Care Sector

Meeting: 23/05/2024 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Future Approach to Commissioning of Residential & Nursing Care Sector pdf icon PDF 248 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health


The Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health seeking approval for the future commissioning approach for the Sefton Adult Social Care Residential and Nursing Sector.


The Chair referred to the impending departure of Eleanor Moulton, Assistant Director – Integrated Life Course Commissioning, due to her taking a position in another local authority, and thanked Eleanor for all her hard work and support during her time with Sefton.


Decisions Made:




(1)      a new Sefton framework of Residential and Nursing Care Homes that will be established for up to, and not more than, a ten-year period, commencing in the 2024/25 financial year, compliant to the latest regulations effective of 1 October 2024, be established;


(2)      decisions on the award, contracting models, contract terms and conditions and service specification to be applied to the new Framework be delegated to the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health in consultation with the Cabinet Member – Adult Social Care and Health and Deputy Leader, on the basis that they can be contained within existing and approved budget provision within the service;


(3)      the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health in consultation with the Cabinet Member – Adult Social Care and Health and Deputy Leader, be given delegated authority to issue new contract terms and conditions to all care homes for adults over 18 who are commissioned by Sefton Council, to include the direct award of contracts to such homes, with the proviso that this approach and any such awards adhere to procurement regulations, and the intent that this approach maintains the prospective Care Home Residents’ Choice Directive;


(4)      periodic re-opening exercises of the Framework be approved, and decisions on the awarding of contracts to successful new applicants and with respect to any such specific commissioning exercises / competitions be made; and


(5)      over the course of the new Framework, delegated authority be granted to the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health in consultation with the Cabinet Member – Adult Social Care and Health and Deputy Leader, to make decisions on any amendments to its rules / operation.


Reasons for the Decisions:


To ensure that updated commissioning and contractual arrangements were put in place. These commissioning and contractual arrangements would adhere to the new CQC single assessment framework, which aimed to deliver Effective, Responsive, Safe, Caring and Well-led models of care, and which would ensure that there was greater control of the market, that future decisions on commissioning and market management could be made in a timely manner, and to put in place new contractual and service delivery arrangements which both sought to ensure market sustainability, and that there was a greater focus on commissioning high quality services with Providers that were willing to deliver services in line with the Framework arrangements.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


1.             Maintaining the status quo – This was not considered to be a viable option due to identification of the need to establish new commissioning  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5