31 A Cultural Strategy for Sefton PDF 369 KB
Report of the Executive Director of People
Additional documents:
The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director of People advising that a steering group comprising Council officers, and representatives from the creative and voluntary sector, had been working towards the development of a Cultural Strategy for Sefton (the Strategy); that a draft strategy document had been prepared using the evidence base from consultation and engagement activity; that further engagement between January to March 2024 was proposed to develop an Action Plan, with objectives for delivery between 2024 and 2030 and that this would be co-produced between the Council and wider representation from cultural stakeholders; and that once the Action Plan was complete, any outstanding elements of the strategy document would be finalised, leading to the publication of a final strategy from which the activities would commence.
The report indicated that the strategy would be a key step in Sefton’s planning towards Liverpool City Region Borough of Culture celebration ; and that the purpose of the Strategy was to:
· Develop a shared vision for culture in Sefton.
· Support development of the local infrastructure for culture and creative engagement.
· Strengthen relationships between Sefton and the wider professional sector for culture and creativity.
· Reveal, celebrate and promote opportunities for cultural and creative participation across the Borough.
· Provide a strategic context in support of stakeholder bids for external funding.
The draft Culture Strategy document was attached as an appendix to the report.
Members of the Committee asked questions/commented on the following matters:
· We should celebrate the hugely diverse borough in which we live.
· The provision of alternative and complementary events at the Salt and tar venue such as opera.
· Had a swot analysis been undertaken into the gaps in performance spaces, especially for large crowds, in Sefton.
· A recognition was made of the potential for more outdoor cultural activity and opportunity on Sefton’s coast but it was acknowledged that any enhancements must be designed to safeguard and preserve the delicate ecosystem of the coast.
· Positive to hear about the opportunities in respect of Sefton’s cultural access and cultural education to tackle educational attainment gaps, particularly in respect of young people on leaving FE/HE and aspiring Young Creatives.
· The negative impact of austerity that had reduced youth provision across the borough.
· How the Cultural Partnership would set its vision, co-ordinate resources and plan at a strategic level and how it would make applications for funding to achieve its aims.
· Social barriers to culture were acknowledged and information was sought on how hard to reach children could be encouraged to engage in cultural activity.
That the progress towards the development of the Cultural Strategy for Sefton be noted.