Issue - meetings

2022 / 23 Outturn Review of Council Wholly Owned Companies – Sandway Homes

Meeting: 16/01/2024 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Skills) (Item 34)

34 Sandway Homes - 2022 / 23 Outturn Review of Council Wholly Owned Companies pdf icon PDF 445 KB

Report of the Assistant Director of Place (Economic Growth and Housing)



The Committee considered the report of the Assistant Director of Place (Economic Growth and Housing) the aim of which was to allow Members to carry out effective scrutiny of the Council company Sandway Homes Limited to provide a level of assurance that both the Council’s interests and the services or products provided by the company to our residents, were safe and well managed and offered good value for money.


The report provided information on the aims of the Sandway Homes Annual Report; expected outcomes; the Council’s objectives for the company; the Council’s governance arrangements including the governance arrangements in place for the company in 2022/23; the key objectives for the Company as per the Business Plan in 2022/23; a review of performance for 2022/23; key areas of risk during the year; evaluation of performance in 2022/23 compared to Council objectives for setting up the company and the approved Business Plan for the year; and the Delivery and Improvement Plans for 2023/24.


The Committee was requested to:


·       provide feedback on key issues arising from the report and to advise on further information that would support the scrutiny review in future years

·       provide feedback on current performance (operational and financial) and how this supported the Council’s strategic aims and ambitions and aligned with the objectives and reasons for setting up the companies; and

·       seek clarification or additional information from officers in order to carry out the scrutiny function


Councillor Lappin was in attendance at the meeting in hr capacity as shareholder representative of Sandway Homes Limited Board and Sandway (ACS) Holding Company Ltd (Sefton Housing Development Company).


Members of the Committee asked questions/commented on the following issues:


·       the high demand for bungalows and their availability within Sandway Homes’ portfolio

·       the revision in the shareholder dividend down to £300,888 in July 2023 was referred to and information was sought about adequate plans being put in place in respect of future downgradings.

·       Affordable and social housing within Sandway schemes. 





the report on Sandway Homes Limited - 2022/23 Outturn Review of Council Wholly Owned Companies be noted; and



Councillor Lappin be thanked for her attendance at the meeting.