Issue - meetings

Write-off of irrecoverable retail-related arrears with balances over £10,000

Meeting: 20/03/2024 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 62)

62 Write-off of irrecoverable retail-related arrears with balances over £10,000 pdf icon PDF 592 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Place


Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director of Place which requested the authorisation of the Committee to write off the debts listed in the appendix to the report.


As outlined within the Council’s Constitution, all outstanding debts of £10,000 and over cannot be written off without Member approval.





the write off of all individual debts of £10,000 and over detailed in the appendix to this report be approved in accordance with the Financial Procedure Rules. The total net amount for write off is £1,307,512.94 (excl. VAT); and



the Executive Director (Place) will write off individual bad debts of up to £10k as detailed in the appendix to this report, in consultation with the Section 151 Officer and the Monitoring Officer be noted, in accordance with the Financial Procedure Rules. The total net amount for write off is £131,337.01 (excl. VAT).