90 Sefton Hospitality Operations Limited - Business Plan PDF 287 KB
Report of the Executive Director – Regeneration, Economy and Assets
The Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director – Regeneration, Economy and Assets providing an update on the performance of Sefton Hospitality Operations Limited, with an updated strategy and business plan. The update included an overview on economic and market conditions, as these continued sectoral challenges provided the context for the status and future of the business and its venues. Also included were updates on operational activities, alongside recent and forecast financial performance.
Cabinet Members commended officers for the work undertaken.
Decisions Made:
(1) the outturn for the Sefton Hospitality Operations Limited company for the financial year 2023-24, the forecast for the financial year 2024-25, and the factors influencing those outturns, be noted;
(2) the continued challenges affecting the economy and the hospitality sector, and future outlook for both, and how they have affected and will continue to affect the company, be noted; and
(3) the updated strategy and business plan for the company be approved.
Reasons for the Decisions:
The role of Sefton Hospitality Operations Limited (SHOL) remained focused on the delivery of an experience for customers that aligned with the vision and objectives of the Borough and the Council. In addition to the revitalisation of, and the maximisation of opportunity from, underused assets in Sefton, SHOL and its strategy continued to enable support for local people with access to higher-quality career opportunities in the hospitality sector. As previously, this model also delivered best value to the Council (via the removal of the subsidy formerly required to the previous hospitality offer at CLAC). The Council as shareholder remained committed to the long-term future of the company and its operations. With regards to governance and board composition, the Cabinet had delegated powers set out in Chapter 5, Paragraph 40 of the Constitution to appoint the Council’s representatives to serve on Outside Bodies.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
No other options were considered by the Council. The company, as part of its strategy and business planning process, had considered options for the business and its current and potential future venues, although some aspects of that review process would be commercially sensitive and confidential.