161 Planning Appeals Report PDF 207 KB
Report of the Chief Planning Officer.
Additional documents:
Proposal/Breach of Planning Control |
Decision |
EN/2023/00275 (APP/M4320/C/23/3327621) – 5 Hillcrest Road Crosby Liverpool L23 9XS - appeal against enforcement notice regarding, without planning permission, the erection of a single storey extension to the rear of the dwellinghouse.[DC1] [IB2]
18/03/24 Quashed |
DC/2023/00700 (APP/M4320/W/23/3332483) – 12A Carlisle Road Birkdale Southport PR8 4DJ - appeal against refusal by the Council to grant Planning Permission for the change of use from dwellinghouse to children's home, to provide care for up to 3 No. children, with the erection of a single storey and dormer extension to the rear
12/03/24 Withdrawn |
Mr V. Luke |
EN/2022/00597 (APP/M4320/C/23/3315793) – 79 Scarisbrick New Road Southport PR8 6LJ - appeal against enforcement notice regarding the unauthorised change of use of a residential dwellinghouse and outbuilding to commercial offices and for the storage and distribution of goods associated with the business operating from the property.
12/03/24 Allowed |
Mr M. Agrimi |
EN/2023/00135 (APP/M4320/C/23/3326344) – 38 Blundell Road Hightown Liverpool L38 9EQ - appeal against enforcement notice regarding, without planning permission, the installation of seven (7) no. air conditioning units to the side of the dwellinghouse
12/03/24 Dismissed |
Mr. S. Levene |
DC/2022/01349 (APP/M4320/W/23/3326362) - Land to the rear of 10 Queens Road Southport PR9 9HN - appeal against refusal by the Council to grant Planning Permission for the erection of 3 No. dwellings with the construction of a new vehicular access fronting onto Hawkshead Street with associated parking and upgrading of 2 coach houses
04/03/24 Dismissed |
Mr P Finnegan |
DC/2023/01326 (APP/M4320/X/23/3332059) - 102 The Serpentine North Blundellsands L23 6TJ - appeal against refusal by the Council to grant a certificate of lawfulness for the proposed erection of a single storey garden room to the rear of the dwellinghouse.
04/03/24 Dismissed |
That the report be noted.