Issue - meetings

5A) DC/2023/01911 - Site Of Former Bootle High School Browns Lane, Netherton

Meeting: 10/04/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 159)

159 DC/2023/01911 - Site Of Former Bootle High School Browns Lane, Netherton pdf icon PDF 980 KB

Report of the Chief Planning Officer


The Committee considered the report of the Chief Planning Officer recommending that the above application for the erection of 53 dwellings, construction of vehicular access, open space, landscaping, and associated infrastructure works be granted subject to the conditions and for the reasons stated or referred to in the report.




That the recommendation be approved and the application be granted subject to the conditions and for the reasons stated or referred to in the report and in Late Representations and subject to the completion of a Section 106 legal agreement to secure financial contributions to mitigate the impact of recreational pressure on the Sefton Coast, agree details of affordable housing, a travel plan and employment and skills plan.