Issue - meetings

Sub-Group Updates

Meeting: 05/06/2024 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 6)

6 Sub-Group Updates pdf icon PDF 405 KB

Report of the Director of Public Health

Additional documents:


The Board considered the report of the Director of Public Health which presented the Board with a summary of activity from the five identified subgroups and sought approval for the Better Care Fund 2023-24 Year End Template and Sefton’s Market Sustainability and Improvement Fund Plan 2024 to 2025.


The report also included a summary of activity from the Combatting Drugs Partnership and outlined changes to pharmacies in Sefton. The report outlined activity since the last report received by the Board on 6 March 2024, namely:



The Adults Forum had met once since the last update, on 27 February. The Forum is chaired by Andrew Booth and Councillor Moncur attends.



The Children and Young People Partnership Board met on a bi-monthly basis. The Board was chaired by Phil Porter and Councillor Roscoe attended.



The Health and Wellbeing Executive had met once since the last update, on 27 February 2024.


The Executive were responsible for the Better Care Fund.



The Health Protection Forum had met once since the last update, in March 2024. 



The Special Education Needs and Disabilities Continuous Improvement Board had not met since the last update.


The Board also received an update from the Combatting Drugs Partnership which had met once since the last update, on 13 March 2024.


The Board was required to receive and note changes to Pharmacies in its area from NHS England, and the Board received six notifications from March 2024 to the date of the meeting.





the updates from the five identified subgroups and the Combatting Drugs Partnership be noted;



the changes to Pharmacies in the area be noted;



the Better Care Fund 2024-24 Year End Template be approved; and



Sefton’s Market Sustainability and Improvement Fund plan 2024 to 2025 be approved.