24 Financial and Corporate Performance 2023/2024 PDF 740 KB
Report of the Executive Director – Corporate Services and Commercial
Additional documents:
The Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director – Corporate Services and Commercial on the revenue and capital outturn position in relation to the 2023/24 financial year. The report outlined key variations and, where appropriate, any impact on future years’ financial performance. In addition, the report provided details of the Council’s Corporate Performance for 2023/24 and current corporate risks.
The following appendices were attached to the report:
· Appendix A – Corporate Performance Report 2023/24
· Appendix B – Corporate Risk Register – June 2024
Decisions Made:
Revenue Outturn
(1) the fact that the General Fund net surplus of £4.309m for 2023/24 will increase the Council’s General Balances by £0.114m less than was budgeted for, be noted;
(2) the increase in Schools’ balances of £2.381m for 2023/24 and the net reduction of non-schools centrally retained DSG balances of £19.489m., be noted;
(3) the overall deficit on the High Needs Budget of £37.996m. be noted;
(4) the changes to Earmarked Reserves in 2023/24 be noted.
Capital Programme
(5) the total capital outturn of £40.937m for the financial year 2023/24 be noted;
(6) the successful delivery of a number of schemes, as set out in section 10 of the report, which have supported the delivery of the Council’s core purpose, be noted;
Corporate Performance
(7) the Council’s Corporate Performance Report for 2023/24 and the latest Corporate Risk Register alongside the financial outturn for the year be noted.
Reasons for the Decisions:
The production of a revenue and capital outturn report is a key feature of effective financial management and will allow Members to make informed decisions that will support service delivery and medium-term financial sustainability.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: