Issue - meetings

Children and Young People's Respiratory Improvement Plan

Meeting: 05/06/2024 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 4)

4 Children and Young People's Respiratory Improvement Plan pdf icon PDF 266 KB

Presentation of the Children and Young People Programme Manager, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside ICB, Sefton Place


The Board received a presentation of the Children and Young People (CYP) Programme Manager, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside ICB, Sefton Place which provided an overview of the background and evidence for the development of a partnership led CYP Respiratory Steering Group and Improvement Plan, key elements of the improvement plan and progress to date and how impact would be measured and inform system and service developments. 


The Board discussed the Stop Smoking programme, the impact of vaping, making every contact count and the benefits of partnership working.




That the presentation be noted.