12 Child Poverty Strategy PDF 875 KB
Report of the Executive Director (Operations and Partnerships)
Additional documents:
The Board considered the report of the Executive Director of Operations and Partnerships which provided an update on the progress and next steps of the Sefton Child Poverty Strategy by reporting on the following:
· A brief overview of the child poverty strategy’s goals, priorities, and suggested actions.
· A review of progress using the accountability framework.
· Overview of findings and recommendations of the LGA Health in All Policy Team (July 2024).
· Discussion on arrangements for implementation, governance, and monitoring.
· A communications plan to raise the profile of the Child Poverty Strategy.
The Board discussed the importance of poverty proofing and multi-agency working.
That the report be noted.
38 Child Poverty Strategy PDF 874 KB
Report of the Executive Director (Operations and Partnerships)
Additional documents:
The Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director (Operations and Partnerships) providing an update on the progress and next steps of the Sefton Child Poverty Strategy by reporting on the following:
· A communications plan to raise the profile of the Child Poverty Strategy.
Cabinet Members welcomed the Strategy.
Decisions Made:
(1) the progress made to date and support plans to further progress action on child poverty in Sefton, be recognised; and
(2) the plans set out in the report to raise the profile of the Sefton Child Poverty Strategy and strengthen governance, be noted.
Reasons for the Decisions:
The Cabinet had a governance role to provide oversight and support for the delivery and progress of Sefton Council priorities. The report set out information about progress in the year and a half following its launch and plans for its further implementation in 2024 and beyond, including feedback from an independent review by the Local Government Association, and a communications plan.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
An alternative was not considered. The Council’s vision and core purpose demonstrated its continued commitment to support the most vulnerable, reduce poverty and its short- and long-term impacts, and to foster prosperity and good prospects for all. Advancing strategic and co-ordinated action on the issue of child poverty was aligned with the Council’s responsibilities towards children and had co-benefits across the priorities expressed in the Core Purpose and Council Values.