Issue - meetings

Q3 (2024) Corporate Performance Report

Meeting: 06/03/2025 - Cabinet (Item 117)

117 Q3 (2024) Corporate Performance Report pdf icon PDF 300 KB

Report of the Executive Director – Corporate Services and Commercial

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 93 of 9 January 2025, the Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director – Corporate Services and Commercial indicating that on 9 January 2025 the Cabinet received and considered the corporate performance report for Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 of 2024/25, against the Sefton Corporate Plan (2024 to 2027). The report presented the Corporate Performance Report at Annexe A to the report for Quarter 3 of 2024/25, which demonstrated performance against the commitments agreed in the Sefton Corporate Plan (2024 to 2027).


The following appendix was attached to the report:


·       Annexe A - the refreshed Corporate Performance Report, including data for operating/fiscal quarter Q3 2024/25.


Cabinet Members commended officers for the work undertaken and commented on the significant work undertaken to achieve targets.


Decision Made:


That the corporate performance report for Quarter 3 of 2024/25, against the Sefton Corporate Plan (2024 to 2027), be received.


Reasons for the Decision:


The refreshed Sefton Corporate Plan 2024 to 2027 stated the specific corporate objectives to deliver the Council’s key strategic priorities over the next period and would be used as an opportunity to ensure that underpinning strategies and plans across the organisation also reflected the key priorities of the Council over the next period. It would help to keep the Council priorities front and centre, corporately, with partners, and collectively owned.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:

