Issue - meetings

Motion Submitted by Cr. Doolin - Renewable Energy Generation on New Council Developments

Meeting: 16/01/2025 - Council (Item 92)

92 Motion Submitted by Councillor Doolin - Renewable Energy Generation on New Council Developments pdf icon PDF 201 KB

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It was moved by Councillor Doolin, seconded by Councillor Halsall:


Renewable Energy Generation on New Council Developments


In July 2019, Sefton Council passed a motion declaring a climate emergency and committed us to reducing carbon emissions in line with expert scientific understanding and for Sefton Council’s activities to be carbon neutral by 2030.


As part of the subsequent report (a), Sefton MBC committed to:


·       Municipalisation of energy supply by utilising public sector sites to generate energy where appropriate

·       Ensure that all strategic decisions are in line with a shift to zero carbon by 2030.

·       Support and work with all other relevant agencies towards making the Sefton area Zero Carbon within the same timescale.

·       Achieve 100% clean energy across Sefton Council’s full range of functions by 2030.


We also note that, at the current time, Sefton has significant plans in relation to infrastructure developments at Bootle Strand and Southport Marine Lake Events Centre and for the total refurbishment of Southport Pier. We additionally note Sefton Council’s ownership of Sandway Homes Ltd.


Since the passing of the original motion, although some progress has been made in pursuit of the aims in that report, the damaging effects of climate breakdown have also become more frequent, more destructive and economically more expensive.


Council therefore commits to:


1)           Ensuring the use of appropriate renewable energy solutions such as solar PV, air-source and wind technologies to help power all new Council developments including those at Bootle Strand  and Southport Marine Lake Events Centre.


2)           Incorporating similar fossil fuel-free technologies and live educational displays when Southport Pier is rebuilt - such that it might be marketed as not only the country’s first iron pleasure pier but also its first ‘eco-pier’.


3)           All new Sandway Homes Ltd developments to be fitted with air source heat pumps in lieu of a domestic gas boiler along with solar PV generation capacity to provide clean, low-cost electricity to householders and to  reduce demand on the local electricity distribution grid.


4)           The setting up of a joint council/community-owned limited company with the aim of retrofitting appropriate renewable energy technologies to schools and other publicly-owned buildings.






Following a debate on the Motion the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer officiated a vote and the Mayor declared that the Motion was lost by 9 votes for to 40 against.