Venue: Goddard Hall, Stanley Road, Bootle
Contact: Olaf Hansen.
No. | Item | ||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Hardy and Tweed and Advisory Group Member Mr.Walsh.
Declarations of Interest Members are requested to give notice of any disclosable pecuniary interest, which is not already included in their Register of Members' Interests and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the Members Code of Conduct, before leaving the meeting room during the discussion on that particular item.
Minutes: No declarations of interest were received.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 68 KB Minutes of the meeting held on 30 January, 2013.
These items are for general discussion. Anybody attending the meeting is welcome to speak (subject to the Chair’s discretion) Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 30 January, 2013 be confirmed as a correct record.
Public Forum A period of 20 minutes (or longer at the discretion of the Chair) will be set aside for a Public Forum.
Members of the public can ask questions, raise matters, or present petitions on issues that are relevant to Sefton Council. The person asking a question will be allowed one supplementary question.
A question form indicating the person’s name and address must be completed and submitted to the Committee Administrator as soon as possible and by no later than 15 minutes before the meeting starts i.e. before 6.15 p.m. or by 3.00 p.m. for faxed (0151 934 2034) or on-line submissions Question forms can be obtained from the Committee Administrator prior to the meeting.
(If the questioner does not attend the meeting or nominate a representative to attend (at the discretion of the Chair), the question will not be read out, but a written response will be forwarded to the questioner).
If a response to a question cannot be provided at the meeting, the Neighbourhoods Division will contact the relevant department for a formal response and the resident will be contacted directly in writing Minutes: During the Public Forum the following issues were raised:
(a) Mses. Halsall and Gallagher expressed their concern at the state of drains/grids in Church Road. The drains were completely blocked and overflowing. Also, when holes have appeared in the road they were repaired in a shoddily manner and the hedge at the side of the road was in a poor state, especially when comapred to Northway, Maghull.
That Mses. Halsall and Gallagher’s concerns be forwarded to the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator for investigation and reply by the appropriate agency.
(b) Mr.G.McNeight raised concerns about parking on Hatton Hill Road, Litherland. Cars were parked illegally, wing mirrors were being broken, and cars were speeding along the road. Also, the grass verges were being churned up and turned into mud-baths due to vehicles parking on them.
That Mr.G.McNeight’s concerns be forwarded to the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator for investigation and reply.
(c) Mr.T.Murphy asked for the creation of lay-bys on Hatton Hill Road. He continued that the grass verge had become a mud bath because of all the vehicles that used it to park on. He reflected that the verge was once lovely and full of bluebells and daffodils.
That Mr. T.Murphy’s concerns be forwarded to the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator for investigation and reply.
(d) Mr.S.Gerrard submitted a petiton of 21 signatures which requested the continuation of parking bays on the park side of Hatton Hill Road to prevent the illegal parking on the grass verges, which are now a muddy mess and a continued cause of damge to resident’s cars, mirrors, etc.
That Mr. Gerrard’s concerns be forwarded to the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator for investigation and reply.
Police Issues Report of the Neighbourhood Inspector
Update on crime statistics and area interventions since the last meeting
These items are for consultation or information of interest to the local community. Anybody attending the meeting is welcome to speak (subject to the Chair’s discretion).
There are no items in “Part B.”
These are formal decisions to be taken by the Members of the Council. Only in exceptional cases will the Chair allow contributions from the public (Advisory Group Members may speak but not vote).
Minutes: Inspector Atherton reported that, in Litherland Ward, compared to the same period last year: overall crime was down 9 incidents; robbery was down by 1 incident; burglary was down by 18 incidents; theft of a motor vehicle was down 1 incident; theft from a motor vehicle was down by 1 incident; criminal damage was up by 3 incidents; and anti-social behaviour (without Hoax) was up 17 incidents.
In Ford Ward, compared to the same period last year: overall crime was up 1 incident; robbery was down by 1 incident; burglary from the home remined the same; theft of a motor vehicle was down by 2 incidents; theft from a motor vehicle was up by 3 incidents; criminal damage was up by 13 incidents; and anti-social behaviour (without Hoax) was up 41 incidents.
That the Police be thanked for their presentation.
Proposed Disabled Persons Parking Place, Bowden Street, Litherland PDF 217 KB Report of the Director of Built Environment Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Director of Built Environment for the approval for the progression of a Traffic Regulation Order, the effect of which would provide a disabled resident with a parking place directly outside their place of residency in Bowden Street, Litherland.
(1) all existing Traffic Regulation Orders, as described in paragraph 2.2 of the report be revoked;
(2) a Traffic Regulation Order be introduced to create a Disabled Persons Parking Place in Bowden Street, Litherland as detailed within the report; and
(3) the necessary legal procedures, including those of public consultation and advertising the Council’s intention to implement the Order, be approved.
Proposed Waiting and Loading Restrictions, Hatton Hill Road / Sefton Road, Litherland PDF 112 KB Report of the Director of Built Environment Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Director of Built Environment that sought authority to amend the existing Traffic Regulation Orders on Hatton Hill Road and Sefton Road, Litherland by revoking the existing orders and making new Orders.
(1) the existing Traffic Regulation Orders, as described in paragraph 2.2 be revoked;
(2) new Traffic Regulation Orders for Hatton Hill Road and Sefton Road, Litherland, as detailed within the report, be approved for implementation; and
(3) the necessary legal procedures, including those of public consultation and advertising the council’s intention to implement the Orders, be approved.
Troubled Families Programme PDF 125 KB Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children’s Services) at its meeting held on 20 November 2012 (Minute No. 22(3) refers) considered the attached report of the Director of Young People and Families and referred the report to all of the Council’s Area Committees for information.
Minutes: Further to Minute No.22 of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children’s Services) held on 20 November 2012, the Committee considered the report of the Director of Young People and Families in relation to the Troubled Families Programme.
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children’s Services) considered the report at its meeting and resolved to refer the report to all of the Council’s Area Commitees for information.
The report set out the background to the programme; how troubled families were defined; and recent progress made within Sefton with its partners.
The report also outlined the nationally determined criteria being used, namely:-
That the report and early programme progress be noted.
Review of Area Committees PDF 62 KB Report of the Director of Corporate Commissioning
Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Director of Corporate Commissioning which sought views on the future number of Area Committees and the frequency of meetings.
As part of the Council’s budget options the Cabinet had asked for consultation to take place on the following alternatives:-
(i) to reduce the number of Area Committees from 7 to 3; (ii) to reduce the frequency of meetings of Area Committees from the existing cycle of meetings to 4 meetings per year.
The Council’s Calendar of Meetings for the forthcoming Municipal Year was approved by the Council each year and included the schedule for Area Committee meetings, responses were required to be submitted to the meeting of the Cabinet on 28 March 2013 in order that the new Calender could be finalised.
That the report be noted.
Area Management Update PDF 100 KB Report of the Director of Corporate Commissioning
Update on area management issues resolved since the last meeting
Minutes: Further to Minute No.44 of the meeting held on 30 January 2013, the Committee considered the report of the Director of Corporate Commissioning on the area management activities that had taken place in Litherland and Ford Wards since the last meeting.
That the report be noted.
Report of the Director of Corporate Commissioning
Update on Area Committee budget resources available Minutes: Further to Minute No.45 of the meeting held on 30 January 2013, the Committee considered the report of the Director of Corporate Commissioning that provided information on available resources for the Committee and progress on those items approved at previous meetings.
That the report be noted.
Date of Next Meeting The Cabinet at its meeting to be held on 28 March 2013 will recommend to Council (at its meeting to be held) on 18 April the adoption of a programme of meetings for the 2013/14 Municipal Year. This programme will include dates/times for meetings of the Area Committee. Therefore, at the time of the publication of the agenda it is not possible to identify the date/time of the next meeting.
Minutes: The Democratic Services Officer advised that the Cabinet at its meeting to be held on 28 March 2013 would recommend to Council (at its meeting to be held) on 18 April the adoption of a programme of meetings for the 2013/14 Municipal Year; this programme would include dates and times for meetings of the Area Committee.
That the Democratic Services Officer be requested to notify all Members/Local Advisory Group Members of the programme of meetings for the Area Committee for 2013/14 once approved by Council.