Venue: Town Hall, Southport
Contact: Olaf Hansen (Southport) Lyndzay Roberts (Bootle)
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apology for Absence Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillor L.Cluskey. |
Former Councillors Colbert and Storey Minutes: RESOLVED:
That former Councillors Colbert and Storey be thanked for their dedicated service and contribution to the Planning Committee.
Councillor Moncur Minutes: RESOLVED:
That Councillor Moncur be thanked for the manner in which he has chaired meetings of the Planning Committee and he be wished every success in his new post as the Cabinet Member – Children’s Services.
Declarations of Interest Members and Officers are requested to give notice of any personal or prejudicial interest and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the relevant Code of Conduct. Minutes:
Minutes of the meeting held on 28 April, 2010 PDF 51 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Minutes of the meeting held on 28 April 2010 be confirmed as a correct record. |
Application No.S/2010/0420/66 - Warren Park Nursing Home, 66 Warren Road, Blundellsands PDF 187 KB Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director recommending that the above application for the erection of a two storey extension to the south elevation of the side wing, first floor extension to the rear elevation of the main building and single storey extension to the existing conservatory at the front of the nursing home be approved for the reasons stated or referred to in the report.
That consideration of the application be deferred to enable the site to be inspected by the Visiting Panel.
Application No.S/2010/0471 - 603-609 Liverpool Road, Ainsdale, Southport PDF 128 KB Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director recommending that the above application for the Extension of Time application pursuant to planning permission N/2007/0396 approved 21/06/2007 - for demolition of existing showroom and parts store, erection of extensions and internal alterations to existing workshops, to form vehicle service bays, parts office and parts store be approved for the reasons stated or referred to in the report.
Prior to consideration of the application, the Committee received a petition from Mr.Hayes on behalf of objectors to the application and a response from Mr.Anderson, the applicant’s agent.
That the recommendation be approved and the application granted for the reasons stated within the report. |
Application No.S/2010/0466 - 8 Sandringham Road, Southport PDF 111 KB Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director recommending that the above application for the erection of a two storey detached garage incorporating a dormer to the front and a balcony to the rear after demolition of the existing detached garage be approved for the reasons stated or referred to in the report.
That consideration of the application be deferred to enable the site to be inspected by the Visiting Panel.
Application No.S/2010/0412 - 97 Park Lane, Netherton PDF 136 KB Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director recommending that the above application for the change of use from retail (A1) to cafe (A3) be approved for the reasons stated or referred to in the report.
That consideration of the application be deferred to enable both the applicant and petitioner sufficient time to make representations.
Applications for Planning Permission - Approvals PDF 157 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the following applications be approved, subject to:-
(1) the conditions (if any) and for the reasons stated or referred to in the Planning and Economic Development Director’s report and/or Late Representations 1 and 2; and
(2) the applicants entering into any legal agreements indicated in the report or Late Representations:
Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director that sought agreement to vary the requirements of the Section 106 Agreement in so far as it relates to the provision of affordable housing on sites at Leaf UK, Virginia Street and the Southport General Infirmary, Scarisbrick New Road, Southport.
That consideration of the application be deferred.
Application No.S/2010/0075 - Land to the Rear of Kensington House Sports and Social Club, Station Road, Maghull Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director recommending that the above application for the construction of 6 no. semi-detached two storey dwellings and access road be approved for the reasons stated or referred to in the report.
Councillor C.Mainey, as Ward Councillor, made representations against the proposed development.
Councillors Glover, Barber, Cuthbertson and Griffiths clarified that none on the Conservative Group Councillors, who were Members of the Committee, had any connection to the site in question or the adjoining premises.
That the recommendation be approved and the application granted for the reasons stated within the report. |
Application No.S/2010/0458 - 40 Hampton Road, Southport PDF 126 KB Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director recommending that the above application for conversion to 6 self-contained flats involving alterations to the side access and the erection of a two storey extension at the rear after demolition of the existing outrigger at the rear of the premises.
That consideration of the application be deferred to enable the site to be inspected by the Visiting Panel. |
Moor Park Conservation Area Article 4(2) Direction PDF 109 KB Report of the Planning and Economic Development Director Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director that sought confirmation of the Moor Park Article 4(2) Direction, making its effects permanent.
That the Cabinet be recommended to approve the Moor Park Article 4(2) Direction without modification.
Core Strategy Update PDF 73 KB Report of the Planning and Economic Development Director Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director that provided an update of the Core Strategy for Sefton and sought approval for the next steps.
That the Planning and Economic Development Director be requested to arrange a workshop for the Committee in the near future to consider:
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - Appeals PDF 457 KB Report of the Planning and Economic Development Director Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director on the results of the undermentioned appeals and progress on appeals lodged with the Planning Inspectorate.
That the report on the results of appeals and progress on appeals lodged with the Planning Inspectorate be noted.
Urgent Works Notice 40 Lancaster Road, Birkdale PDF 65 KB Report of the Planning and Economic Development Director Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director that provided an update to Members concerning the recent severe fire damage caused to 40 Lancaster Road (former Birkdale School for Hearing Impaired Children) and to seek further authorisation to serve a new Urgent Works Notice.
That subject to consideration and approval by Cabinet the Planning and Economic Development Director be authorised to serve a new Urgent Works Notice in respect of 40 Lancaster Road, in order to secure the buildings from further decline.