Venue: Town Hall, Southport (video conferenced Town Hall, Bootle)
Contact: Paul Fraser
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillor P. Hardy. |
Declarations of Interest Members and Officers are requested to give notice of any personal or prejudicial interest and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the relevant Code of Conduct. Minutes: No declarations of interest were received. |
Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 November 2009 PDF 75 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet Member held on 18 November 2009 be confirmed as a correct record. |
Energy Carbon And Water Progress Report PDF 247 KB Report of the Head of Regeneration and Technical Services Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Head of Regeneration and Technical Services advising of the corporate and domestic energy efficiency, eco education, strategic progress and awareness activities undertaken in accordance with the Councils Corporate Carbon Reduction, Fuel Poverty, Sustainable Schools and Home Energy Conservation Act commitments during 2008/09.
(1) the energy carbon and water progress report be noted; and
(2) the various external cross sector partners be congratulated for their delivery of the activities detailed in the report. |
Joint report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director and Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environmental Services and Deputy Chief Executive
Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered the joint report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environmental Services and the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director on potential funding for energy and efficiency and renewable energies in social and low income housing; and seeking approval to make a request to Cabinet for the approval of Sefton Council to take on the financial and legal responsibility of being an accountable body for a sub-regional project.
The report indicated, that in addition to the £7 billion made available by Central Government, the European Commission had agreed to devote £29 million of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Programme resources to domestic energy and renewable actions; that in response to Department for Communities and Local Government guidance issued in August 2009 which stated that measures should be directed at existing social housing, defined in Articles 68-70 of the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008, and a call from the Regional Development Agency for a sub-regional bid to directly stimulate the market for low carbon and environmental technologies and renewable energies via their application within existing social and low income housing, five officers from five local authorities, plus Halton, representatives of local universities, RSLs and Utilities had submitted a proposal, to address five themes as follows:
(a) Physical housing improvement works to reduce CO2 emissions; (b) Developing small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and the local supply chain; (c) Growing the market for a low carbon economy through renewables and energy efficiency; (d) Evaluation and local learning; and (e) Engagement with private landlord sector to complement the work on a sub regional accreditations scheme.
The report also indicated that monies from the ERDF could be used for the administration of the bid; and that whilst taking on the accountable status would impose financial and legal responsibilities on the Local Authority, it would allow existing expertise and experience to be developed in this area.
The Assistant Director of Asset Management updated the committee and indicated that the bid had been successful in moving to the next stage; and that positive feedback on the bid had been given following a meeting with the North West Development Agency (NWDA).
A copy of the expression of interest was attached as an Annex to the report.
(1) the report be noted;
(2) Cabinet be requested to note the Expression of Interest submitted to North West Regional Authority; and
(3) Cabinet be requested to support the principle of Sefton Council to be the accountable body for this sub-regional bid, subject to sufficient external funding being made available for the management of the project, and Cabinet approval.
Potential Funding Opportunity 2 Low Carbon Communities Challenge 2010 - 2012 PDF 98 KB Joint report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director and Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environmental Services and Deputy Chief Executive
Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered the joint report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environmental Services and the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director on the potential funding opportunity for low carbon communities challenge 2010-2012 indicating that Central Government had made (£500,000) worth of resources available under the Low Carbon Communities Challenge Programme; that the Government were seeking to work with 20 ‘test beds’ communities to spur the development of broader plans for cutting carbon emissions in their area; that following discussions with Formby Parish Council agreement had been reached for the Parish Council to submit a bid to the Low Carbon Communities Challenge Programme; that Formby Parish Council had requested assistance in the development and delivery of a successful bid for which the Parish Council would be the accountable body; and that, if successful, the project would require significant officer time input, for which Cabinet approval would be necessary.
RESOLVED: That (1) the report be noted;
(2) Cabinet be requested to approve that assistance from Sefton officers be given to Formby Parish Council in the development of the bid, and then, if successful, with the bid’s delivery; and
(3) Cabinet be requested to approve the submission of further update reports as necessary. |
Contaminated Land Inspection Of Former Sefton Meadows Landfills PDF 897 KB Report of the Environmental Protection Director Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Environmental Protection Director advising of progress made in connection with the contaminated land inspection of the former Sefton Meadows landfill.
The report indicated that the Environment Agency (EA) on behalf of the Council, undertook an inspection of the former landfills to assess whether contaminants were present at concentrations that may pose a significant risk to human health or controlled water; that following completion of their detailed inspection the EA considered that the areas identified as Sefton Meadows Landfill Extension 1 and Sefton Meadows Landfill Extension 2 met the requirements to be determined as contaminated land sites and designated as Special Sites; and that the contamination had been shown to be affecting controlled waters and their quality, in that the surface waters were not meeting relevant surface water criteria as set out in the Surface Waters (Fishlife) (Classification) Regulations 1997.
The report concluded that EA had recommended that further investigation was required on sites known as Sefton Meadows East and Sefton Meadows West; that the Council was currently consulting with landowners to establish the scope of further works; and that the Environmental Protection Department Officers would assist EA with risk communication, assessment of risks to human health and liaison with the appropriate persons who had interest in the sites.
That the report on the contaminated land inspection of the former Sefton Meadows Landfills be noted. |
Vehicle/Plant Replacements 2009/10 PDF 67 KB Report of the Environmental Protection Director Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Environmental Protection Director advising of the vehicle tendering procedure to be used in relation to the annual vehicle replacement programme for departmental vehicles; and indicating that a decision on this matter was required to comply with the Contract Procedure Rules of the Constitution.
That the use of the Commercial Vehicle Framework Agreement - Contract 565, as approved by the Finance and Information Services Director in accordance with delegated powers, for the procurement of new vehicles and plant for various departments, be noted. |
Award Of Contract - Recycling Food Waste Containers PDF 77 KB Report of the Environmental Protection Director Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Environmental Protection Director advising of the outcome of the evaluation of tenders for the provision and distribution of food waste containers and liners through external grant funding, provided by Waste Recycling Action Programme for the purpose of encouraging increased take-up of food waste recycling collection services.
That the tender, evaluated on a quality/price basis submitted from Straight Plc. Leeds for the provision and distribution of food waste containers and liners be approved. |
Stepclever Initiative - Cleansing Section PDF 75 KB Report of the Environmental Protection Director Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Environmental Protection Director that updated on the element of the Stepclever initiative operated by the Cleansing Section, funded via the Government's Local Enterprise Growth Initiative (LEGI) to improve business confidence in South Sefton and North Liverpool; and indicating that a decision on this matter was required as it was important to report on the progress of this initiative and to ensure that the implications for when this external funding ended in March 2010 were understood.
The report indicated that LEGI funding of £250,000, over two years, was secured to create a Stepclever Environmental Improvements Team initiative; that the Team dealt with fly-tipping and main gateway street cleansing within the Derby and Linacre Wards (as well as 4 Wards in Liverpool); and that the funding would cease on 31 March 2010 and that the Cleansing Services Manager had been informed that no further funding would be available beyond that date.
The report also detailed the outcomes achieved by the Stepclever initiative including the employment of local unemployed residents; and concluded by detailing the exit strategy and implications for the Cleansing Section.
That the report on the Stepclever initiative and in particular the achievements of this externally funded initiative to date and the implications for the Cleansing Section of losing this funding/resource be noted. |
Waste Collection Commitment PDF 77 KB Report of the Environmental Protection Director Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Environmental Protection Director seeking a formal commitment for the Council to ensure the quality of waste collection services; and indicating that a decision on this matter was required as the Local Government Association and the Waste Resources Action Programme (WRAP) were encouraging Councils to make a public commitment to ensure the quality of waste collection services delivered to their residents. The commitment would act to guide the operation and further development of waste collection services in Sefton.
The report indicated that the formal commitment comprised of 10 generic good practice principles; that Sefton already had in place many of the specific elements for delivering and developing its waste collection services; and that the adoption of the commitment would give management, operational staff and residents a formal statement as to the guiding principles that both the direct and contracted waste collection services should abide by and be considered as services further developed.
That the following commitment, on behalf of the Council, be made to the residents of Sefton:
"Sefton Council is committed to providing waste and recycling services which are good value for money and which meet the needs of residents. This means that the Council will: