Venue: **Town Hall, Bootle (video conferenced Town Hall, Southport)
Contact: Paul Fraser.
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: No apologies for absence were received. |
Declarations of Interest Members and Officers are requested to give notice of any personal or prejudicial interest and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the relevant Code of Conduct. Minutes: No declarations of interest were received. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting - 10 November 2010 PDF 59 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Minutes of the meeting held on 10 November 2010 be confirmed as a correct record. |
Anchor Staying Put Sefton PDF 84 KB Joint report of the Adult Social Care Director and the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered the joint report of the Adult Social Care Director and the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director advising of the notification of Anchor Housing Association to discontinue the "Staying Put Service" from 31 March 2011 and advising of the proposed interim arrangements.
The report indicated that the Staying Put Service helped people remain independent in their own homes for as long as reasonably possible; that since Anchor's notification to discontinue the service, Anchor had been in discussion with a range of providers about possible transfer of services to other not for profit organisations; but that due to the economic climate, there had been few expressions of interest except from the Mears Group who were a profit making organisation.
The report concluded that Council officers had met with the Regional Manager from the Mears Group and that from 1 December 2010, Mears had committed to take over the majority of Anchor Home Improvement Agency Services (including Sefton's); and that in accordance with the Council's Contract Procedure Rules, the service would be the subject of a tender exercise in preparation of the expiry of the current contract, even though this would likely (due to the uncertain economic climate) be for an initial period of one year with the potential for a further two twelve month roll over contracts.
Mears had been advised of the above situation; and a further update report would be submitted to the Cabinet Member early in the new year.
(1) the report updating on the discontinuation of the Anchor Staying Put Service and the proposed interim arrangements be noted; and
(2) further reports be submitted as appropriate to keep the Cabinet Member updated on the arrangements. |
Healthy Lives, Healthy People : Our Strategy For Public Health In England White Paper PDF 117 KB Joint report of the Acting Director of Public Health (NHS Sefton and Sefton Council) and the Thematic Chair – Healthier Communities and Older People Partnership Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered the joint report of the Acting Director of Public Health (NHS Sefton and Sefton Council) and the Thematic Chair - Healthier Communities and Older People Partnership that provided a summary of the recently published White Paper on Public Health - Healthy Lives, Healthy People (the White Paper); and providing the Cabinet Member with the opportunity to respond to the consultation questions set out in this White Paper by 8 March 2011.
The report advised that the White Paper outlined the Government's commitment to protecting the population from serious health threats; helping people live longer, healthier and more fulfilling lives; and improving the health of the poorest, fastest; and that the White Paper responded to Professor Sir Michael Marmot's Fair Society, Healthy Lives report and adopted its life course framework for tackling the wider determinants of health.
Councillor Brennan indicated that in his opinion the purpose of the White Paper was to reduce costs rather than improve service delivery.
The Cabinet Member responded that both Members and Officers were here to offer their support in the best interests of our service users and in particular our most vulnerable.
(1) the report on the White Paper - Healthy People, Healthy Lives: Our Strategy for Public Health in England, be noted; and
(2) the dissent of Councillor Brennan to the decision referred to in (1) above be recorded. |