Venue: **Town Hall, Bootle (video conferenced Town Hall, Southport)
Contact: Paul Fraser.
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: No apologies for absence were received. |
Declarations of Interest Members and Officers are requested to give notice of any personal or prejudicial interest and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the relevant Code of Conduct. Minutes: No declarations of interest were received. |
Minutes Of The Meeting Held On 25 August 2010 PDF 51 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Minutes of the meeting held on 25 August 2010 be confirmed as a correct record. |
Petition - Request For Resident's Privileged Parking Scheme In York Road Crosby PDF 115 KB To consider, in accordance with Rule 27 of the Council and Committee Procedure Rules of the Constitution, a petition signed by 89 residents of York Road, Crosby requesting the introduction of a resident’s privileged parking scheme in York Road.
A copy of the petition is attached. Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered, in accordance with Rule 27 of the Council and Committee Procedure Rules of the Constitution, a petition signed by 89 residents of York Road, Crosby requesting the introduction of a resident's privileged parking scheme (RPPS) in York Road.
A copy of the petition was attached to the agenda.
Mrs. A. Sharpe, on behalf of the petitioners, addressed the Cabinet Member in support of the terms of the petition.
The Cabinet Member advised the petitioners that York Road was currently on the list of roads under consideration for the introduction of RPPS’s; but that due to budgetary constraints, there was a moratorium on the introduction of new RPPS’s.
That the Planning and Economic Development Director be requested to submit a report to the Cabinet Member, as soon as possible, reviewing the current moratorium on the introduction of resident’s privileged parking schemes. |
Revenue Expenditure, Capital Programme And Performance - 2009/10 Portfolio Final Accounts PDF 144 KB Joint report of the Environmental and Technical Services Director, the Planning and Economic Development Director and the Interim Head of Corporate Finance and ICT Strategy Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered the joint report of the Environmental and Technical Services Director, the Planning and Economic Development Director and the Interim Head of Corporate Finance and ICT Strategy advising of the final 2009/10 outturn position for the Technical Services Portfolio; and seeking views on whether there were any issues arising from the 2009/10 accounts for the Portfolio which should be referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Environmental Services).
(1) the Portfolio's revenue expenditure outturn for 2009/10 be noted;
(2) the impact of the Portfolio's capital expenditure outturn for 2009/10 be noted; and
(3) the Portfolio's annual performance indicators and data for 2009/10 be noted. |
Proposed A565 Route Management Strategy And Action Plan PDF 145 KB Report of the Planning and Economic Development Director Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director seeking approval for the A565 Route Management Strategy (the Strategy) and draft Action Plan (the Plan); and indicating that a decision on this matter was required as the Strategy and Plan provided the basis for delivering improvements in traffic management, safety and accessibility along the A565 in Crosby and Waterloo.
The report indicated that the Strategy covered the section of A565 from the Seaforth Flyover to the junction with the A5207 (Green Lane, Thornton), a section of the A565 that was approximately 3.2 miles long. This incorporated the section between Seaforth Flyover and Crosby Village identified in the Merseyside Congestion Target Delivery Plan as a corridor requiring action to combat congestion and its associated problems; that the results of the public consultation exercise undertaken in 2008 were essential in developing the Strategy; and that the schemes for inclusion in the Plan were developed from proposals identified in the feasibility study to consider a range of potential improvements along the A565.
The proposed Strategy was summarised in Annex A to the report whilst Annex B provided details of the Action Plan.
This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council's Forward Plan of Key Decisions.
(1) the proposed A565 Route Management Strategy and draft Action Plan be approved; and
(2) the proposal to carry out public consultation on the proposed A565 Route Management Strategy and draft Action Plan be noted. |
Report of the Planning and Economic Development Director Minutes: Further to Minute No. 84 of the meeting of the Crosby Area Committee held on 20 January 2010, the Cabinet Member considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director seeking consideration of how to proceed with proposals to introduce pay and display parking in the Waterloo and Crosby Coastal off-street car parks; and indicating that a decision on this matter was required because the Council on the 17 December 2009 approved for inclusion in 2010/11 and future Council budgets income of £77,000 to be generated from the introduction of Pay and Display Parking in the Waterloo and Crosby Coastal area off-street car parks. The decision on the detail of the parking scheme and hence necessary Traffic Regulation Orders for how this was to be achieved was delegated to the Crosby Area Committee. However, at their meeting on the 20 January 2010, the Crosby Area Committee referred the matter to Cabinet Member-Technical Services. Hence a decision was now required to achieve the Council's budget approvals.
The report summarised issues raised by the Crosby Area Committee relating to consultation with local businesses and residents and the condition of car parks; the review undertaken by the Cabinet Member on the requests made by the Area Committee and local traders relating to free short stay parking, residents permits, operational times - leisure car parks, review of on-street parking - South Road area, rebates for library/Crosby Leisure Centre users, consultation and car park improvements; and paragraph 4 of the report detailed the revised proposals to the scheme following the consideration of the issues referred to above.
That consideration of this matter be deferred to enable the Member/Officer Working Group to consider the proposals and thereafter the matter be reconsidered by the Cabinet Member. |
Plugged-in-Places Programme - An Update PDF 85 KB Joint report of the Planning and Economic Development Director and Environmental and Technical Services Director
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 5 of 30 June, 2010, the Cabinet Member considered the joint report of the Planning and Economic Development Director and Environmental and Technical Services Director updating on the Plugged-in-Places Programme and seeking consent for Sefton Council to be the Accountable Body for the sub-regional bid.
The report indicated that the sub-region's Expression of Interest for the Plugged In Places project was formally submitted to Department of Transport (DfT) in July 2010; out of 15 applications, the DfT had indicated that the Merseyside bid was likely to succeed subject to a number of key issues being addressed; and that officers were of the view that the issues could be satisfactorily addressed to enable a full bid to be submitted by 29 October 2010 deadline.
Merseytravel, who were expected to undertake Accountable Body status for the project, had now indicated that it would not be possible for them to assume such status; and given that Sefton had agreed to become the Accountable Body for the sub-regional REECH Project, and the fact that associated activities were all related to addressing CO2 emmisions reduction, helping local SMEs, creating local employment opportunities, and the development of the low carbon economy, the Cabinet Member was requested to agree to Sefton becoming the Accountable Body for the Plugged-In-Places project, subject to the bid being successful.
(1) That the Cabinet be requested to approve in principle to Sefton Council being the Accountable Body for the sub-regional Plugged-In-Places project to facilitate the submission of the bid in October 2010; and
(2) it be noted that a further report be submitted detailing all financial, legal, and operational implications prior to accepting the Offer letter should the bid be successful. |
DfT Consultation On Local Transport Funding PDF 163 KB Report of the Planning and Economic Development Director Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director seeking approval of a response to the Department for Transport (DfT) regarding local transport funding; and indicating that a decision on this matter was required as the Cabinet Member had delegated powers to consider such consultative documents relating to the Technical Services potfolio.
The report indicated that the DfT were consulting on changes to the Government's Local Transport Plan (LTP) funding regime; detailed the main points associated with the Government's proposed approvals to the calculation and distribution of LTP funding; and the Key issues for consideration.
The report concluded that capital funding through the LTP process since 2000 had enabled major progress to be made within the Borough to the development and maintenance of the highway network; and that the Council sought to ensure that the proposed Government changes did not adversely affect the ability to continue this progress whilst recognising the impact of current financial restraint.
The Planning and Economic Development Director tabled responses to the DfT consultation questions at the meeting.
That the content of the Council's response to the Department for Transport's consultation on local transport funding be approved. |
Report of the Planning and Economic Development Director Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director seeking approval for the temporary closure of footways adjacent to Southport Indoor Market Hall in King Street, Market Street and Queen Anne Street to improve the public realm.
As part of the Southport Indoor Market refurbishment works, various areas of public realm works would be carried out. Primarily this would involve the use of high quality footway and carriageway materials, to enhance the façade of the refurbished Market Hall building. Whilst this was being carried out, the opportunity would be taken to widen sections of footway, to improve the aesthetic appearance of the area, and cater for the anticipated increase in pedestrian footfall.
To enable the works to be undertaken it would be necessary to temporarily close sections of the footway as shown on the plan attached to the report.
(1) the introduction of temporary footway closures adjacent to Southport Indoor Market Hall in King Street, Market Street and Queen Anne Street, Southport as detailed in the report be approved; and
(2) the Planning and Economic Development Director be authorised to execute the necessary legal procedures and to advertise the Council's intention to introduce the temporary closures. |