Venue: **Town Hall, Southport (video conferenced Town Hall, Bootle)
Contact: Olaf Hansen.
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: No apologies for absence were received. |
Declarations of Interest Members and Officers are requested to give notice of any personal or prejudicial interest and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the relevant Code of Conduct. Minutes: No declarations of interest were received. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 1 December, 2010 Minutes: RESOLVED:
That subject to the amendment of Minute No.48 resolution 2 to read ‘New Governance’ rather than ‘New Guidance’ the Minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2010 be confirmed as a correct record. |
Southport Golf Links - Concessionary Bookings PDF 119 KB Report of the Leisure and Tourism Director Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Leisure and Tourism Director regarding a number of requests received for the use of the Southport Municipal Golf Course (Southport Golf Links) from the clubs based there to stage a number of fixtures and Charity Days during 2011. The report also indicated that a decision on this matter was required to allow programmes and timetables for the operation of the golf course to be finalised.
RESOLVED: That subject to the concessions being recognised by all the event organisers at the very minimum in their publicity as (part) sponsorship of their event:
(1) authorisation be given for the events listed in annexe A of the report;
(2) the tee off times be reserved;
(3) the fees for the Sefton Junior Open Golf Competition be waived; and
(4) the fees be reduced for:
(a) the two school holiday competitions; and
(b) the Family Fun Golf day.
Express Sefton Cultural Grants - Applications for Grants PDF 150 KB Report of the Leisure and Tourism Director Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Leisure and Tourism Director on applications received from eligible community groups for Express Sefton funding.
(1) grants from the Express Sefton Cultural Fund be awarded to the following community groups:
(2) in the event that a grant is not accepted or returned, the Leisure and Tourism Director be authorised to allocate any available funding. |
Richard McGrath, Development Manager, Leisure Services Department Minutes: The Leisure and Tourism Director informed the Cabinet Member and Party Spokespersons of the sudden unexpected death of Mr. Richard McGrath, Senior Development Manager, Leisure Services Department. Members and Officers expressed their deep sadness at Mr.McGrath’s untimely death. They paid tribute to his personal drive and enthusiasm as well as commending his outstanding work on the ‘Positive Futures’ programme that did so much to tackle youth anti-social behaviour across the borough.
That the sincere condolences of the Cabinet Member and Party Spokespersons be conveyed to Mr.McGrath’s family. |