Venue: Town Hall, Southport
Contact: Paul Fraser.
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies For Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Brodie-Browne, Lord Fearn, Pearson and Weavers. |
Welcome and Announcements Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and indicated that following requests from Members and members of the public and also to ensure compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act, the Council was trialling a new Public Address system at Southport Town Hall. He briefly explained how to use the system and indicated that feedback on its effectiveness would be welcome.
The Chair indicated that this was the last meeting at which Mr. Ian Goley, Advisory Group Member would be in attendance. He thanked Mr. Goley for his valuable contribution at Area Committee meetings over the past two years and wished him all the best for the future. A round of applause ensued.
The Chair informed the Area Committee of the sad news that Mr. Stan Mercer, who had been the Mayors’ Attendant for many years, had passed away following long illness.
Member stood in silence for one minute in memory of Stan.
Declarations Of Interest Members and Officers are requested to give notice of any personal or prejudicial interest and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the relevant Code of Conduct. Minutes: The following declarations of interest were received:
Minutes of the meeting held on 28 July 2010 Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Minutes of the meeting held on 28 July 2010 be confirmed as a correct record. |
Presentation - Weld Road Beach To receive a presentation from Dr. Phil Smith on the ecological aspects of the Weld Road Beach (Birkdale Green Beach) Minutes: The Committee received a presentation from Dr. Phil Smith (formerly a Lecturer in Ecology at Liverpool John Moores University), who had been undergoing research into the formation of Southport’s ‘green beach’, located between Weld Road, Birkdale and Pontin's, Ainsdale.
Mr. Smith provided the following information:
Report of the Head of Corporate Legal Services Additional documents: Minutes: Further to Minute No. 48 (2) of 28 July 2010, the Committee considered the report of the Head of Corporate Legal Services on the proposed closure of North Sefton (Southport) Magistrates’ Court and Southport County Court.
The report indicated that on 23 June 2010, the Secretary of State for Justice had produced a written ministerial statement announcing a consultation on the most strategic locations for Magistrates’ and County Courts in England and Wales, as detailed in Annexes A and C. The consultation, which was to run until 15 September 2010, invited comments on the closure of the courts.
The proposals were:
The detailed proposals contained in Consultation Paper CP03/10, attached at Annex B to the report, invited views on the proposals and stated that the Secretary of State would “Take all views expressed into account before making any decision on whether or which courts ought to be closed as part of the rationalisation”.
The report concluded by indicating that the Council was a regular user of both North and South Sefton Magistrates’ Courts but rarely, if ever, used Southport County Court; that the Council was allocated one half day per week at South Sefton Magistrates’ Court and one half day every other week at North Sefton (Southport), these being the miscellaneous or non-Crown Prosecution Service Courts.
That the Cabinet be recommended to forward the following response to Her Majesty’s Court Service (HMCS):
Police Issues Minutes: Inspector Fairbrother indicated that the Police had supplied information about the costs of policing the recent Orange Parade in the town. In addition, 23 seizures of alcohol had been made on the day, wherever the possession of alcohol contravened the appropriate byelaw in the designated town centre area. This roughly equated to the number of such seizures of the average weekend. However, the Police were unable to use their powers of seizure where the individuals concerned were located in pavement café licensed areas, where, he conceded, trouble was rare. He confirmed that any difficulties arising from the abuse of such licensed areas would be referred to the Council. In answer to a question about whether the Police would prefer a complete ban on the drinking of alcohol outside during the Orange Parade, Inspector Fairbrother stated that this hadn’t been a particular problem for the Police locally, but the Area Commander might have a view on this.
Members of the public raised the following issues:
Inspector Jones confirmed than the Police organised such campaigns at regular intervals and that offenders were prosecuted.
The Police representatives indicated that the Officers locally would have to adapt to whatever changes were introduced. |
Open Forum Members of the public are invited to ask questions, raise matters, or present petitions on issues which are relevant to Sefton Council. The person asking a question will be allowed one supplementary question and, provided the questioner is present or represented, any interested members of the public will be permitted to ask supplementary questions, provided the total time on each issue does not exceed five minutes. Questions must be handed to the Committee Administrator at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the meeting ie, before 6.15 p.m.
(If the questioner does not attend the meeting or nominate a representative to attend (at the discretion of the Chair), the question will not be read out, but a written response will be forwarded to the questioner. If a response to a question is required which cannot be provided at the meeting or if the question is not reached within the 1 hour period, the Chair will either refer the matter to the appropriate Service Department for a written answer or to the appropriate Cabinet Member for further consideration). Minutes: During the Open forum, the following questions/comments/petitions were submitted:
Report of the Environmental and Technical Services Director Minutes: Further to Minute No. 132 of 3 February 2010, The Committee considered the report of the Environmental and Technical Services Director on the possibility of gritting roads and pavements on approaches to schools.
The report indicated that the Legal Department had advised that as the fundamental basis of the Winter Service Policy and Operational Plan related to clearly identified priorities for the whole Borough, consequently if the policy was to be revised to include specific additions then revisions should be consistently applied across the Borough.
The Acting Assistant Director, Environmental and Technical Services presented the report and indicated that Officers had undertaken a detailed analysis of schools across the Borough, existing gritting routes, gritting vehicles, and the possible of addition of roads past schools which were currently not gritted. The report indicated that the inclusion of all schools on existing gritting routes would cost in the region of £220,000, including the purchase of 2 additional carriageway gritters and 4 footway gritters (approx. £150,000); the cost of salt (approx. £16,000) and additional costs to cover standby, call out, repairs, servicing and maintenance; and that due to these costs, and in the current financial climate, implementation of additional gritting for schools was presently unachievable.
Discussion took place and the following matters were raised:
Report of the Planning and Economic Development Director Minutes: Further to Minute No. 12 of 26 May 2010, the Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director on the receipt of a number of objections to the proposed introduction of two new Hackney Carriage Stands in Coronation Walk and Lord Street, Southport.
The report indicated that following the statutory advertising of the Traffic Regulation Orders for the proposed hackney carriage stands, which had a closing date of 4 August 2010, a total of four objections had been received in respect of potential noise and anti-social behaviour and the possible disruption to the loading and parking requirements of a local shop owner. Copies of the objection letters were shown as Annexes B, C, D, and E of the report.
The report concluded that whilst the problems of noise and anti-social behaviour in the early hours of the morning were recognised, it was considered that the provision of feeder hackney ranks would allow these issues to be more easily addressed. Disruptive revellers would be transported home more easily and traffic congestion caused by large numbers of cabs trying to access their fares would be reduced.
The problems highlighted by the shop owner in relation to his loading requirements were accepted and it was recommended that the proposed reduction in length of the existing loading bay on the south west side of Coronation Walk should not take place. This would maintain a 25m loading bay which his suppliers could utilise.
The issue with staff of the shop in question not being able to park outside the premises was noted but it was felt that, given the increase in Pay and Display spaces in Coronation Walk, adequate parking facilities existed within an acceptable distance from the shop.
A plan showing the revised proposals was shown in Annex F of the report.
Southport Cycle Town, Wennington Road Proposals - Results of Consultation PDF 7 MB Report of the Planning and Economic Development Director Minutes: Further to Minute No. 77 of 1 October 2008, the Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director on the results of the consultation exercise undertaken and the proposed way forward in respect of the proposed cycle link along Wennington Road, Southport and the proposed 20 mph zone on Wennington Road and Bispham Road.
The report indicated that the main principle of the scheme was to extend the existing cycle route running from Kew along Wennington Road to Bispham Road, which would link the area to the north of the town to the existing cycle network around Kew. To extend this route further, it was proposed to reduce the volume and speed of traffic on Wennington Road and the surrounding area in order to create an environment more conducive to cycling.
An example of one of the consultation documents was shown in Annex B of the report and the consultation was also available on the Council’s website: The results of the consultation were detailed in paragraph 4.0 of the report and summarised in the table at paragraph 4.4.
The report indicated that the majority of comments made had been in relation to the proposed closure to traffic of Wennington Road; the main points being:
· that traffic would be diverted to other side roads within the area; · the closure would increase traffic on Norwood Road, Old Park Lane and Bispham Road; · the road closure would be inconvenient for local residents; and · the closure would cause extra delay at the Roe Lane/ Norwood Road lights.
The report indicated that in the light of opposition to the proposed road closure on Wennington Road, it was proposed to omit this element from the proposed scheme. An alternative arrangement was proposed with a slight narrowing of Wennington Road to accommodate a Zebra crossing on Roe Lane between the junctions of Wennington Road and Hesketh Drive, which would allow pedestrians and cyclists to cross Roe Lane at this location more safely, whilst maintaining all the existing turning movements at this junction. A plan of this revised layout was attached as Annex D, and the report indicated that a further local consultation with those residents directly affected would be reported back to the next Area Committee meeting.
Discussion took place and the following concerns were raised:
Southport Indoor Market - Traffic Regulation Orders Relating to Public Realm Works PDF 227 KB Report of the Planning and Economic Development Director Minutes: Further to Minute No. 14 of 26 May 2010, the Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director setting out a number of changes to Traffic Regulation Orders which were required as a result of the public realm works being undertaken as part of the refurbishment of the Southport Indoor Market. The report outlined the outcome of the consultation on the refurbishment proposals and indicated that the proposed removal of 12 pay and display spaces on Market Street would lead to a potential reduction in parking revenue of £20,000 per year.
Proposed Area Committee Changes PDF 78 KB Report of the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Assistant Director – Neighbourhoods on the proposed changes to Area Committees as part of the Council’s area management agenda.
The report indicated that, following agreement for area management to be taken forward as part of the Council’s corporate agenda and further to the last meeting of Party Leaders and Area Committee Chairs in November 2009, the Neighbourhoods Division had drafted proposals to change the Area Committee structure to include more of an area management focus. Consultation with Area Committee Chairs had recently taken place and a meeting of Party Leaders and Area Committee Chairs had taken place on 15 July 2010 and although feedback had been positive, it had been clear that whilst Area Committees could adopt a similar approach, some variations would be needed to cater for the needs of individual Area Committees (for example the differing start time for Police Issues and Open Forum questions for Southport Area Committee).
Mr. Steve Honess, the Southport Area Co-ordinator, presented the report and answered questions thereon.
Feedback was given in respect of the optimum number of meetings to be held this year, and in future, and the holding of pre-meetings prior to the Area Committee and Members indicated that they would like to leave the number of meetings as already scheduled for this year and for the foreseeable future; and that the calling of pre-meetings should be left at the discretion of the political groups as was currently the case. It was also suggested that consideration might be given to a requirement for Open Forum questions being submitted at least 2 days in advance to enable consultation with relevant Officers prior to the Area Committee meeting.
That the Assistant Director – Neighbourhoods be informed that this Committee wishes to retain existing custom and practice in respect of the number of meetings held per year and the holding of pre-meetings, namely that:
Report of the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director Minutes: Further to Minute No. 35 of 28 July 2010, the Committee considered the report of the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director indicating that the balance of the budget available for allocation during 2010/11, including sums set aside for the provision of litterbins and street signs, was as follows:
Details of the allocations made by each ward against the general provision in the current year were set out in the report.
There had been no requests for funding from Ward budgets since the previous meeting.
Previous Questions Raised In The Open Forum PDF 121 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered correspondence relating to the above.
That the correspondence be noted. |
Future Agenda Items Minutes: No future agenda items were submitted. |
Date Of Next Meeting In accordance with the agreed programme of meetings for this Area Committee, the next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 6 October 2010 at the Town Hall, Lord Street, Southport, commencing at 6.30p.m. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That in accordance with the agreed programme of meetings for this Area Committee, the next meeting be held on Wednesday, 6 October 2010, at the Town Hall, Southport, commencing at 6.30 p.m. |