
Schools Forum - Monday 11th June, 2018 1.30 pm, NEW

Venue: Formby Professional Development Centre, Park Road, Formby

Contact: Colette Jones  Clerk to Schools Forum

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Minutes of the Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 225 KB


Matters Arising from Minutes of Previous Meeting

(9) Apprenticeship Levy-Cathy Earley stated that there was no incentive to employ an apprentice as LA maintained nurseries would have to pay a rate £8.50ph but PVI would only pay £3.50.  Several questions were asked

           What was the take up of schools accessing the apprenticeship fund?

           How many schools have an apprentice?

           What can schools use the apprenticeship levy for can a cohort of people apply for the same course useful for their job like the HTML


It was agreed for Michael Mainwareing to attend the next SAPH meeting.


(8) Simon Penney would like Forum to note that Chesterfield HS found the unauthorised fines acted as a deterrent as part of the schools absence strategy.  Chesterfield HS has one of the lowest number of absences across Sefton


Anna James requested unauthorised fines for persistent absences be prioritised above ‘holiday’ absences.



All actions completed


SALIX funding for energy efficiency projects at school sites-presentation pdf icon PDF 95 KB


Pupil Numbers 2017-21v3 pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Additional documents:


2018 DSG Final 2017 18 Outturn Report to Forum 240518 pdf icon PDF 260 KB

Additional documents:


Agenda Item 7 Increase in Primary PRU Charges pdf icon PDF 74 KB


Schools Funding Pack

Verbal upate will be given at the meeting


SEND Inquiry pdf icon PDF 269 KB