Venue: Committee Room, Town Hall Bootle
Contact: Paul Fraser Senior Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: No apologies for absence were received.
Declarations of Interest Members are requested to give notice of any disclosable pecuniary interest, which is not already included in their Register of Members' Interests and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the Members Code of Conduct, before leaving the meeting room during the discussion on that particular item.
Minutes: No declarations of interest were received.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 92 KB Minutes of the meeting held on 8 September 2015 Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Minutes of the meeting held on 8 September 2015 be confirmed as a correct record.
Former Maghull Library and Youth Centre, Liverpool Road North, Maghull PDF 84 KB Report of the Head of Regulation and Compliance Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered (a) the report of the Head of Regulation and Compliance, which set out the decision of the Cabinet regarding the acceptance of a tender in relation to the disposal of the former Maghull Library and Youth Centre, Liverpool Road North, Maghull and the reason why the decision was called-in; and (b) the report of the Director of Corporate Support that was considered by Cabinet in relation to this matter.
The decision taken by the Cabinet on 3 September 2015 in relation to this matter was as follows:-
The Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Corporate Support which provided details of the tenders received as a result of the marketing exercise for the sale of the Council’s freehold interest in the former Maghull Library and adjoining Youth Centre, Liverpool Road North, Maghull.
Decision Made: That:
(1) subject to the receipt of planning permission, approval be given to disposal of the Council freehold interest in the former Maghull Library and Youth Centre to the highest bidding tenderer detailed in Appendix 1, on the terms set out in the report; and
(2) the Head of Regulation and Compliance be authorised to prepare the necessary legal documentation on the terms and conditions detailed in the tender documents, by way of a Building Lease followed by Conveyance of the freehold interest, or an appropriate alternative means of Transfer, if required.
Reasons for Decision:
Maghull Library relocated to new premises within the Meadows Leisure Centre in Maghull and the existing property was declared surplus to operational requirements. The adjoining Youth Centre had also been closed and declared surplus to requirements. The premises are included in the Council’s Asset Disposal Programme for 2015/16. Disposal would bring the premises into productive use and relieve the Council of an ongoing liability.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
The Council could retain the premises and continue to incur the holding costs.
The Chair of the Committee, Councillor Robinson, reported on the procedure for consideration of the call-in.
The Senior Democratic Services Officer, Mr. Paul Fraser, reported on the validity of the call-in and highlighted that the call in requisition:-
· had been received within the specified call-in period in accordance with Chapter 6, paragraph 37 of the Constitution;
· had been signed by four Members of the Council who were not Members of the Cabinet, in accordance with the provisions of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Procedure Rules in Chapter 6, Paragraph 38 of the Council’s Constitution; and
· referred to a specific decision made by the Cabinet and provided a reason in accordance with Chapter 6, paragraph 40 of the Constitution.
Members of the Committee expressed concern that the requisition for call-in did not specify what potentially relevant facts were not taken into account by Cabinet; and that it may be helpful if a review could be undertaken of the reasons for the requisitions for call-in.
Councillor McKinley, on behalf of Councillors Burns, Gatherer and Sayers, outlined and amplified the following reason for the call-in:-