Agenda and draft minutes

Southport Town Deal Board - Monday 21st June, 2021 2.00 pm

Venue: Microsoft Teams

Contact: Rebecca Johnstone 

No. Item




Apologies were received from:

·         Greta Fenney

·         Alex Hatchman

·         Damien Moore

·         Graeme Robson

·         Robert Agsteribbe


The Chair (RF) noted that since the last Board meeting Norman Wallis has resigned from the Board. RF thanked him for all his work and contributions to the Board.



Declarations of Interest


Declarations of interest were received from:

·         James Brayshaw – interest in digital and creative space opportunities 

·         Mark Lawler – interest in creative and digital opportunities

·         Rob Anderson – interested in work in the future/working alongside NW


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 61 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.



Project Updates


SW have an overview of work since the last update.


·         Heads of Terms have been returned, currently no concerns raised by MHCLG on these.

·         There is an outstanding query with BEIS/MHCLG on whether any funding will be released early to facilitate the funding required for project and Businesses Case development – this is a question which has been raised by a number of other towns.

·         Project Business Cases will be submitted for approval on a project by project basis, when they are ready


Southport Market

·         Fully let 

·         9/10 traders are local

·         Opening date July 2021


Events Centre and Light Fantastic

·         Delivery strategy is in progress

·         Working with and support from the LCR CA

·         Cabinet agenda this month – setting out that venue will not reopen in the short term 

·         Centre piece of the bid and moving at pace


Enterprise Arcade

·         Soft market testing (asks the market how they can provide solutions to meet the outcomes we are seeking) taken place for solutions for operating partner


There was a discussion and agreement on the continued requirement that all project details and timelines of activities remain confidential unless part of Board authorised communications.



Public Realm - project development session


Stephen Birch facilitated a workshop session on ‘les Transformations de Southport’ and wider themes around movement, access and the public realm.


Comments and suggestions will be used for project development and form part of future consultation and engagement.





None raised.


Date of Next Meeting


TBC – September 2021