Contact: Rebecca Johnstone
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: · Ian Raikes · Mark Basnett · David Head · Dwayne Johnson · Graeme Robson · Greta Fenney · Alex Hatchman · Damien Moore
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Declarations of interest were received from
· Mark Lawler – Enterprise Arcade agenda item · Michelle Brabner - Building Better Customer Experience
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 71 KB Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.
Noted that the process for publishing minutes is that they are published once approved at following meeting.
Programme Update Minutes: Programme Update
SW gave an update: · Project summary documents required by government will be signed off by finance director (S151officer), Chief Executive and the Town Deal Board - the Chair is signatory and the Board are advisory to that · Business cases underpin the summary document · Council process to approve Business Cases in place including Cabinet and council approval process, part of the assurance process. · Deadline for submissions for others 24th March 2022 · Role of Board to provide strategic direction and leadership · MLEC - Events Centre Business Case substantial and will take longer to submit. · Propose a future specific meeting on The Events Centre with the commissioned consultants on progress · Please remember confidentiality of discussed proposals · Council delivery of Town Deal projects, with consensus on proposals from the Board.
The council continues to face challenge such as cost
inflation since TIP submission and working to mitigate those risks
through · LUF Round 2 also to be kept in mind to support programme ambitions. · Capacity and capability challenges to the council for service continuity from Covid continue · Influence of parking on town centre and parking priorities key.
Questions form the Board
Q :Will the Board have sight of draft business cases? A: within the realms of confidentiality
Q: What is happening with some of the other projects which were discussed in the early meetings which didn’t make it into the Deal, but we know where ongoing issues? A: there was long list was prioritised in 2020 for the submission, some of which may be in a future be part of a Levelling Up bid. Broader update on Southport projects to be provided at a future meeting.
Les Transformations de Southport Minutes: Les Transformations de Southport
SB reminded Board of project objectives and aims (Slide presentation given) SB updated the Board following discussion at the last Board meeting giving an update on the proposals which will be consulted on in the new year with business and focus groups for the first phase of public realm improvements.
It was noted that the contents of the presentation and the proposals should remain confidential until the consultation with key stakeholders is live (All to note)
The Town Deal allocation for this project would fund Phase 1 of a larger, phased programme – phases of which would follow, further to securing funding for these phases to be developed and linking to the Town Deal delivery programme. as funding becomes available.
• Public realm around market – King St, Market Street • Links to Enterprise Arcade – Eastbank St • Chapel St and railway station entrance • Wayfinding strategy • Delivered through Town Fund allocation (£2.5m) • Demonstrate ‘fast track’ delivery and spend of Town Fund allocation • Focus on deliverability and areas needing improvement • Responds to issues raised in public consultation and subsequent engagement
Questions and discussion points from the Board
· Q: What is estimated cost of Wayfinding scheme A: around 600-700k · Discussion around the train station entrance which is privately owned and the look of M&S windows in the Arcade. Regeneration Team in discussions with owners of site to discuss opportunities for improvement. · Traffic modelling is in progress looking at the whole town and impact of future projects. · Discussion on whether the scheme would prioritise pedestrians over cars and agreed that there a number of complex issues to overcome, balancing different needs hence the need for consultation to review. · Some Board members keen to point out the danger of unintended consequences if road layouts are changed which connect with Lord Street and result in congestion and whether remedial action would be needed elsewhere to alleviate possible congestion · Discussion on whether the wayfinding would be physical signs or digital or use QR codes and whether businesses would need to pay if it was on a digital platform – none of this is decided at this point, if it was a bespoke digital platform then there might be a charge · Accessibility issues need to be covered · Should focus on low cost digital options as maintenance costs and keeping them up to date can be costly · Suggestion that the design of the signage could be arts led and have more impact and be more engaging than traditional signage approach · Point made that the Council need to balance the climate emergency and resident’s needs and positively stimulate behaviour change · Discussion that parking strategy and cycle lanes would be covered in other phases · Point made that getting to the town can still be an issue too · Discussion on who the target market is for new wayfinding etc, and what target market we want to achieve for the town · Point made that any changes to traffic flows shouldn’t make ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Enterprise Arcade Minutes: Enterprise Arcade
RJ introduced proposal to diversify town centre offer by providing a home and hub for the digital sector using council building ( Crown Building and Bank buildings)
RJ updated on the progress of the project and proposals which have been sent to Cabinet for approval on 7th October 2021 around the repurposing of Council owned assets to be used in the project and for an operator to be secured through a Property Lease.
· The size of the project will be scaled to meet the budget and to keep it viable for a potential operator · The lease is expected to be advertised early January 2022
Stage 2 report finalised · having expanded scheme budget has not expanded. · Aim is to maximise and make viable and attractive to market · Level of fit out but operator also to provide input to fit out. · Oct cab agreed to lease for facility to meet Town Deal outcomes. · Workspace attractive · Atkinson collaboration has also taken place , to optimise assets, resources and potential for cultural and social activities and networks. Collaboration key. · Objectives and outcomes shared · Phasing shared for building space available · Up to 200 people working in this space potentially in an affordable and viable proposition
Asset Operator Lease – to go out to market for operator to collaborate on fit out and design and ensure future proofed. Written into terms of lease.
Questions from the Board
Q:Will Phase 2 happen in Enterprise Store? A: Aspiration for Coop building remains – but different related project. Q: What is rational for SMT ? A: Crown building too small in itself therefore concept enlarged. Noted that project of scale needed to be viable and support business case development. Brings forward opportunity to capitalise on project. Still of scale and space important to achieve ambition and to support capital investment. Q: Council will procure work and operator? A: Lease will have TD requirements built in as part of lease deal. Cost neutral to Council and is self-financing i.e. not subsidised.
Marine Lake Events Centre Minutes: Marine Lake Events Centre
MC updated · IPW and G&T are now official in contract as the delivery team. · Full tender for architectural appointment to be made next week. · Civils and structural work has also been tendered t · Operator procurement will be through competitive dialogue which is a 6-7 month process. Operator interest being explored. · Business case continues to progress – which was already very well develop for the TIP submission · Current activities are being funded through the Town Deal advance funding, and the Combined Authority approved predevelopment funding of £2.3m · The consultant team will hold a session for the Board in the new year on the scheme · Progressing at pace but OBC considerable and will need time to complete.
Questions from the Board
Q:With regards to the architecture, are the drawings which have previously been shared type of design we can expect to see going forward, or are they likely to be different? A:they will be on the same track, but the look and feel may well change . Still theatre and exhibition hall – IPW design but concept may change with new architects .
Building Better Customer Experience Minutes: Building Better Customer Experience
SW updated:
College to deliver the training Online learning to be provided.
Learnings will be reached through the college and local businesses will be engaged in training.
AOB Minutes: AOB
None raised.
Date of Next Meeting Minutes: DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETINGS:
1st February 2022 – 9-10.30pm 28th February – 3.30-5.30pm 15th March 2022 - 08:30pm