Agenda and draft minutes

Southport Town Deal Board - Monday 28th February, 2022 4.00 pm

Contact: Heather Jago 

No. Item



Apologies were received from:

·       Dwayne Johnson

·       Marion Atkinson

·       Michell Brabner

·       Mark Lawler.

·       James Brayshaw



Apologies were received from:

·       Dwayne Johnson

·       Marion Atkinson

·       Michell Brabner

·       Mark Lawler.

·       James Brayshaw



Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were received.


Minutes from the Previous Meeting


Minutes of previous two board to be circulated for comment



Les Transformation


Les Transformations de Southport


Stephen Birch presented a summary of the Business Case circulated for the above project, following discussion at the last Board meeting. This is the first Phase of a much larger programme for 12 locations across Southport Town Centre totalling just under £13M and all of which link to the Town Deal investment areas. Criteria for the Phase 1 selection related to evidence of need, recommendations of previous studies, building on the success of Southport Market and STD priorities and phasing of other projects eg MLEC


The first phase of this project is seeking £2.5m from Town Deal as part of £12.75M programme and value for money demonstrated clearly in business case.  Consultation is ongoing and will form part of Business Case justification.


The Town Deal allocation for this project would fund Phase 1 of a larger, phased programme – future phases of which would follow, once funding is secured.


       Public realm around market – King St, Market Street

       Links to Enterprise Arcade – Eastbank St

       Chapel St and railway station entrance

       Wayfinding strategy

       Delivered through Town Fund allocation (£2.5m)

       Demonstrate ‘fast track’ delivery and spend of Town Fund allocation

       Focus on deliverability and areas needing improvement

       Responds to issues raised in public consultation and subsequent engagement


Detailed cost estimates for further phases to be refined to reflect availability of funding.  Business Case to be used for LCRCA bid for a 5-year delivery programme from 2022- 2026/27.


Sefton Council has project management experience and processes in place to deliver the project. The Procurement Strategy is yet to be agreed for tendering work.


Officers responded to queries made by the board.


Town Deal Board agreed for Business Case Final business case to go forward in current form. Consultation responses to be shared.


Building Better Customer Experience


Building a Better Customer Experience – Draft Business Case.


A copy of the draft Business Case was sent out in advance of the meeting to the Board. A Treasury Green Book compliant Business Case needs to be submitted for each TD project seeking to draw down Town Deal funding. This needs to be submitted by the end of March 2022 to meet the terms of the Town Deal funding agreement.


Claire Maguire gave a presentation to support the Building a Better Customer Experience Business Case circulated, covering:


·       Strategic Case - Southport has been badly impacted by the national decline in town centre retail activity and some of the general issues affecting seaside locations. By aligning with other Southport Town Investment Plan (TIP) projects, this project will provide training and development programmes for anyone that has contact with visitors in Southport with the aim of creating a consistent level of outstanding service that can be associated with a ‘Southport standard’.

·       Revenue funding is less than anticipated £200K. However clear programme and deliverable project which will utilised aligned AEB funding.

·       Delivery will be through trusted and credible providers and outputs from related programmes will assist to maximise impact.

·       As discussed at December Board, a Project Summary Business Case document is required by government will be signed off by finance director (S151officer), Chief Executive and the Town Deal Board - the Chair is signatory, and the Board are advisory to that.  Deadline for submissions is 24th March 2022.

·       The Business Case underpins the summary document to be submitted.

·       Council process to approve Business Cases including Cabinet and Council approval process, as part of the Council’s assurance process.  

·       Role of Board to provide strategic direction and leadership on project submission.

Officers responded to the queries raised by the Board.


Final business case to reflect feedback from Board and go to Cabinet on 10th March.





No AOB raised.



Date of Next Meeting

Future dates to be confirmed.



Future dates to be confirmed.